
Are there any tricks to dealing with the flies in our puppy's potty area?

by  |  earlier

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I know it's a strange question, but it's really becoming a pain because they distract her from using the area. When she moves her bowels, we always clean it right up, and we rake the area at the end of every day, but there are still loads of gross "p**p flies" all over the area. Any advice on how to deal with them while we're still training her to go outdoors?




  1. You can try hosing the area after you rake it.

    Then follow it with a spray down  of vinegar.  It will dissipate in about an hour, but it helps with the flies.

  2. Use a dog waste cleaner. It will eliminate the odors.

  3. After she goes and you clean it up.....soak the area with water to dilute whatever is left in the yard.

  4. wash it down with soap and water and that will do the trick.

  5. Certainly, here's tips.

    #1, cleaning it right up is not enough. The urine soaks into the ground attracting insects.  So turning the ground would be needed after each use.

    But to save from breaking your back, try dispensing a liberal amount of White Vinegar on and around the area reserved for doggy's potty area.

    Also, the area should not come into direct prolonged sunlight as this speeds up the fecal fester and draws even more unwanted insects to the area.

    Lastly, hosing the area down twice a day will also help prevent flies from hatching or laying eggs. Agents may be administered for relief. Consult your local Vet before beginning a chemical regiment.

  6. There are a few things you can do... the best I found was to sprinkle Diatamceous Earth (foudn at lowes or local feed store which is best source) over the areas where p**p was removed and also in the recepticle holding the p**p.  Clean the pooper scooper.  If you buy the DE that is okay food grade then you can feed some in the dog food to help with buggers.

    The other thing is get a good pestiside spray that you hose over the yard and do that once a month or so.  You can also get a fly bag and hand it out a ways to capture flies and killthem... its a fly trap and they fill quick but do NOT put them in direct sunlight.. they are stinky too.

    The goal is to reduce the population of flies.  good luck. All those products are available at feed stores (think horses) . If you can't find them email me and I'll add them to my store for you.

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