
Are there any tricks to guaranteeing I'll park straight? or to straightening out a bad parking job?

by  |  earlier

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So I know it sounds dumb, but I have the hardest time parking sometimes. Sometimes I park close to perfect, and other times my car winds up at an angle. not a MAJOR angle, and it wouldn't even really be a problem except, then when I try to pull out of the space, my vehicle pulls out at an angle and the farther I move back, the closer I am to the car next to me, and no matter which way I turn the wheel I can never seem to be able to straighten things out so I can just back out straight. I'm really short driving a big vehicle, so I think that's part of the problem.

But like today, I pulled into a lot coming in from the left and my car wound up in between 2 cars sort of like this:

when i went to drive out, I waited for the lady next to me to pull out first so I wouldn't hit her vehicle. But if she hadn't come out of the store that soon, I dunno how I would've gotten out because every which way I tried to back myself out, the car came out at an angle.




  1. Keep on practising  but this link gives a few good tips.............

    Use your mirrors to keep yourself parallel.

    Be careful out there!

  2. Practice with no obstacles first, then with plenty of space between vehicles. Take it slowly and you'll develop the skill and confidence to park.

  3. So your the one that parked next to me yesterday. Just kidding!! Just keep practicing and I'm sure you will get better. It can be hard at first trying to park a big vehicle. Make sure your wheels are straight before backing up. If you still think you are too close back up a little bit and try to pull back in straighter so it will make it easier for you to back up. I hope that helps!!!

  4. practice makes perfect

  5. Some day when you have some time find a vacant parking lot. Then park in a space, get out, and see how you did.  Do this again and again and again until you have parked straight 3-4 times. Then go and find a lot with some cars in it and practice there.

    But if you see a black Chrysler Concorde don't park next to it; it could be mine.

  6. it really comes from practice, but it seems that if you take a wider turn into the parking spot, the chances are you'll be able to get into the spot straight.

  7. Simple practice and a widder turn into the spot. Also, Take your time and practice using your mirrors to back out of the space. Remember that your mirrors usually give a slightly off kilter view. Before backing out use the G.O.A.L. system. Get Out And Look. Stand back away from your vehicle and decide how it needs to move in order to be in the space correctly and take note of any obstacles, pedestrians, sighns, etc... that may be present. If you are driving a larger vehicle, Look for a pull through spot when you can (two  spaces end to end that allow you to "Pull Through" and be in a possition where you can drive forward to exit the space).

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