
Are there any tricks to making a scratched PS2 game play?

by  |  earlier

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My playstation is pretty old, and I wouldn't be surprised if the laser is pretty shot. But most games work without a problem. However some of them constantly stay in the browsing screen and just say disc read error. Are there any tricks like l*****g the cd, or turnin the system upside down or anything?




  1. Get the disc resurfaced

  2. Uhmmm I think disc cleaners are available, they clean the back of the disc but I only saw it once on an advertisment and don't know how effective they are or where to get them.

  3. rub on toothpaste. the regular white kind and buff it off. or wipe the cd with alcohol. or just take it to game stop they clean it for free.

  4. When ever my discs start messing up, i always flush it down the works!

  5. I heard that the first generation Playstations worked turning the game system upside down when it has problems.  I dont know what its called, but theres some sort of thing that you can fill in the scratches on the CD.  Maybe google cd repair kit and see what it comes up with.

  6. Unfortunately, there are no "sure-fire" tricks. Do you have the large PS2 or the slim PS2? I assume the large one...

    You were right about the laser. The original PS2 tends to have a laser that becomes weak very quickly. And what's worse is that blue discs are practically unreadable.

    I suggest purchasing a slim PS2. You can find one at any Game Crazy or Wal-Mart. I won't recommend GameStop because I hate them. Haha!

    Don't listen to anyone telling you to put toothpaste or banana on your games. It WILL ruin them.

    ALSO: Gamestop does NOT clean your discs for free. Game Crazy offers game buffing for 1.99.

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