
Are there any truly safe places to live in Brazil that don't require a barb-wired wall around your house?

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I adore Brazil and I would love to live there, but after taking a bus trip from Fortaleza to Sao Paulo, all I saw was fortified homes... everywhere, in every city and town and village...




  1. Why don't you move to Paraty :

    It's a beautiful old colonial town half way between , Rio and Sao Paulo. There's no crime there , and you are not far from Rio and Sao Paulo, about 4 hours drive.

  2. Riberao Preto, beautiful, peaceful, no violence...all the perks with little to no crime rate..many people from Sao Paulo are now relocating to smaller towns, this one happens to be great...otherwise to answer your question, unless you live in an apartment building with a door man and high gates, you better have your house barb-wired, houses are not safe at all.

  3. South of Brazil (States Santa Catarina, Parana) is very nice...there they have a big European colony...

  4. Hey, I´ve got a wonderful idea. You can travel here and we would be married, so you could stay here and I could stay there. How ´s that?

    LOL.... Over here, if you dont have a fortificated place to stay, you will be dead. Now in Rio de Janeiro we have been in a battle field, a lot of injured and dead people. It´s because that we want so badly go to USA.

  5. No pain no gain, my friend.

    Ok, just kidding. If you go to the small cities it's not violent.

  6. Tim,

    As you said yourself you adore Brazil, therefore, you understand that it is a developing country and by being so you will find social injustice everywhere, which generates criminality.

    Now, I will answer your question with another one:

    Are ther any TRULY SAFE places in the US? Like any city that doesn't require police, and so on and so forth...

    We all know the answer to that!

    But, still, we need good people to help us make life a little better for everyone, the locals and the foreign visitors as well.

    Best wishes!!!

  7. I dont think so...maybe if u live near a native´s tribe!

  8. Well, I agree with one person on here that said there are really no true safe places--even in the US.  The Northern part of Brazil is just as dangerous if you don't know what neighborhood you are in or who you are with.  And as far as living in a native's tribe...That is just about as dangerous as walking with your pocket book open in Rio!  LOL.  I live there and have a wall...and I live in a small town.  People still climb it and I am robbed every now and then.  Once I was even sitting outside and watched 3 guys come up my walk sneaking around my house.  I got them to leave, but I tell you the one thing that will keep you safe is a big bad ugly dog!

  9. The northern part of Brazil is safer than Sao Paulo and/or Rio, however, it's also much less developed...

    If you're moving there from a foreign country, I would recommend a residential building, since they're nice, have security and indoor parking.

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