
Are there any unclaimed island?

by  |  earlier

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or island for sell like the ones off the coast of maine. Just as long as its not like 10 ft across.




  1. Sure, but you won't find it off the coast of Maine.  Unclaimed islands usually lay in the Pacific.  And remember, just because you 'claim' it, that doesn't mean it's yours.  You will need to be recognized by the U.N., and you will need to provide for your own defense.  Otherwise, any country could just come along after you've  built a house and annex the island.  So, you'll need to reach an agreement with a country (much like many of the Carribean isles have...ya know, the U.S. provides them with 'Commonwealth' status, and in return for protection, they let the U.S. do pretty much whatever they want....)

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