I know there are plenty of excuses that have more to do with aparent and sometimes fparent insecurity or pain, but are there any reasons we can look to and say: "yes, that should absolutely be closed."
The only two I can think of is if the child is being emotionally or physically harmed. The child's safety is paramount, however, are those cases the norm? I think probably not. Even in cases where it is, like in foster care, the actualy physical visitation may need to cease, but certainly email communication could be kept up, even if the child is taken out of the equation for awhile.
Our first child was adopted from China and therefore it is technically closed as she was abandoned and we have no knowledge of who her first parents are, however, we are currently pursuing a foster care adoption and even though some of the history of the parents is questionable, I would still be open to some sort of communication, even if it were not face-to-face.