
Are there any vampires in california?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Well, actor Bela Lugosi used to live in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, California. but relax: he died in 1956-1957. He is not coming back to drink blood. Oh brother!

  2. Oh yeah. There's ton of them here. I don't know about real though. I'm pretty sure California would be a good place to hide out at, because if you dressed up in black, no body would care.

    Also, there are a lot of blood fetish vampires out there, who don't NEED blood, but want it.

    There are also vampires who think they need blood but don't. It's all phycological. saying that, I am not saying you are a phyco for thinking there are vampires out there. Because there are. It all depends on what kind too.

    There are rare cases that you actually find a person who is weak without blood, and when they have it, there senses increase, ect. But, the liklyness that a real, true, vampire lives in California? 1 out of fifty. So, there's a chance. Also, vampires don't have to be so hidden in this day and age. I mean, half of the world knows they exist, so as long as they do their thing privatly, the're find. There are many blood fetish vampires, real vampires, and pychopathic vampires out there who drink blood from a willing donar...but they don't go out shouting it.

    Word does get out that a certain person drinks blood, but no one's getting commited until they actual do some harm. : )

    Hope I helped. I live in California too, and I've wondered if there are vampires that live here. If your going on the lines of, "I want a s**y vampire man to wrap me in his warm, cuddling arms and kiss me." Well have a long wait. More like an eternal wait.

    If your SCARED? Do what any other person would do when they are scared of a burgalar, lock the doors, get the knife, take a few deep breathes, and wait until your not alone anymore. Have the phone with you at all time. It's not your problem that the person is a vampire. If he or she is, then they'll get taken away weather or not their a vampire. A vampire is a human being. Human beings have their own morals and minds. It's not a different species, a HUMAN IS A VAMPIRE. Not, your a human and you can turn into a vampire.

    Wow, I just realized I rambled on more then I inteded too. Sorry about that. Well, more advice I guess. : )

    GOd Bless dear and if you have anymore question e-mail me at  

  3. As many as there are in other states. though I think there's likely more in California than say, Vermont.

  4. well I hope I meet a "real" vampire in my life (if they even exist) so I can kill it, then I'd have a bad*** story to pass on through the generations of my family

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