
Are there any vegetarians that smoke?

by Guest63602  |  earlier

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It may seem like a strange question, but I'm honestly not trying to be facetious. I'm really looking for honest answers.




  1. Not everybody is immediately aware of every aspect of how to live life nicely. It takes years to learn.

    Like when I was 14, a teenager, I became vegetarian. But at that time it was cool to smoke. It wasn't cool to be vegetarian, it was my own choice despite what the majority did. I met one vegetarian and felt influenced to go toward a better lifestyle. I stopped smoking at age 20.

    Not everyone is educated about the hazards of smoking. Most of us start it before we understand the dangers and then we can't give it up. Meat is not difficult to give up because it is disgusting and vile.

    In India the majority of people are vegetarian but well educated people are somewhat of a minority. Because of poverty issues many people got little or no education in the past, I would hope things are changing. So many young men are smoking in India nowadays, not many women. Because they probably don't have a clue about health effects. Some rotten cigarette company just found its way into India and got them hooked. Just like anywhere else.

    That's all I know.

    Be vegetarian and be happy. Ahimsa rules.

    EDIT- Oh Rialisi! Your lamb dishes are 'to die for' . That's real funny, except for the one's who did the dying or the one's who will die due to their own participation in the slaughter of one innocent creature.

  2. My Uncle's girlfriend is a vegetarian and she smokes

  3. I know a few vegans who smoke. Maybe it's the stress of being in such a minority. Haha!

    I know there are a couple of brands of f**s that aren't animal tested, but as for the ingredients, I haven't a clue.

    It's not the most vegan thing to do, but I can forgive them. It's an addiction, after all, it's not just food or clothing which you can change easily.

    Maria: Consider that he sees what you were doing as definitely morally wrong and something very avoidable (who needs gummi bears?!) but smoking is one h**l of an addiction. Doesn't excuse it, I know, but there is some reasoning to it.

  4. Fair question for most of us agree we rarely came across with any veg*n drug addicts, alcoholics, violent criminals and rapists!.

    But any validation or statistics? Generally we should agree that people opt veg*nism as a lifestyle or fashionable nowadays. It attributed to a complete package of ethics and moral issues to most vegans activists especially, made veganism to become more controversial than practicable. But i think they work more towards the "root", and less understandable by the ordinary persons like us.



    Studies shown vegetarians to have lower incidence of lung cancer. This can be largely attributed to vegetarians by statistics tending to be non-smokers.

    American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 70, No. 3, 516S-524S, September 1999

    Smoking rates varied between studies, but in all studies the proportion of smokers was LOWER among the vegetarians than the nonvegetarians. In all studies for which data were available, vegetarians had a lower mean body mass index, a lower percentage of vegetarians were current alcohol users, and a consistently higher percentage of vegetarians were high exercisers. Variations in level of education between the 2 groups were small and inconsistent.


    Characteristics of subjects selected for analysis

  5. Yes I do.

    Edit:  I'm vegetarian because I just don't like eating animals and don't like milk and eggs make me sick.  I don't like the wholesale slaughter of animals.... but I agree it's always happened, so don't mind other people eating meat.  I'll even cook it - apparently my lamb dishes are too die for!  I just love smoking - I only smoke roll your own tobacco which has less chemicals than tailor mades.

    Edit: Anne..anne.... anne - I'm a vegetarian, not a preacher.  We live in the country and when the boys from head office drive 7-8hours to get here I'm going to feed them lamb.  I buy local and know where my product's come from.  I live my life in my own way and hopefully am setting an example for my children.  I used cloth nappies, make my own cleaners, I make everything I cook from scratch and wouldn't touch vegan "fake meat" products in a million years.  I make my own moisturisers, facial scrubs, etc, I make cushion covers, curtains, doona covers, kid's stuff, etc, etc from recycled materials and my kids have NEVER eaten in a McDonalds.  Sometimes my example influences other people, sometimes it doesn't.  You can't browbeat people with ideas, you can only give advice if they're ready to hear it.  I think cooking one lamb dish every month or two is well and truly offset by my other efforts!

  6. yes...

  7. Of course there are, me I don't. When I was a vegetarian (now a vegan) I did smoke. I guess if you want why the answer I would guess is because if they are doing it for health reasons they are addicted to the nicotine, and maybe the same reason people who claim to want to be healthy eat corpse but do not smoke. I mean it really seems you are going off into a little confusing rant. Are you implying that you understand everybody and the way things work for them and you don't and that veg*ans only care about animals and not humans which is ludicrous. You can also not assume all people have 'pets', as well there is scientific evidence that smoking does effect animals as well. If you understand veg*anism it does not only effect us and the animals it also effects the people around us as well, maybe even more so.

  8. I'm vegetarian.

    I'd never go near tobacco but it's not because I'm vegetarian.

    I do have a couple of vegan and vegetarian friends who smoke, though.

  9. I don't smoke or drink.  I think that it's someone's personal decision whether or not they want to smoke.  It has nothing to do with vegetarianism and animal rights.  Last time I checked there's no animal products in smokes.  If there were I could see your argument.  

  10. My last girlfriend who was a vegan, smoked, I've also got a few smoking vegetarian friends

  11. Yes, of course.  One really has little to do with the other, unless there's some animal product in cigarettes, which I wouldn't be surprised to find.

    My ex was a smoking vegan.  He expected me to kiss him with yellowed, cigarette-smoky teeth and breath, but he wouldn't kiss me if I had eaten Gummi Bears (gelatin).


    Rivers, I'm aware of his reasoning, but if he was that concerned with my morals, he wouldn't break bread with me while I ate meat.  He was fine to kiss me after I'd brushed my teeth of the offending Gummies.  I was explaining to the asker why the two attributes weren't mutually exclusive.  This is also a man whom I found out later had a taste for teenage girls, but that's besides the point.  :)

  12. There are organic additive-free cigarettes you can buy made by "Native Spirit". Probably they are made by Phillip Morris.

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