
Are there any ways that I can boost my self confidence?

by Guest66502  |  earlier

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This is kind of embarrassing to talk about, but my self confident and self esteem are both very low. I feel very shy and I do not socialize with anyone. Every day I am reluctant to be at work because I feel like I am incompetent or I will be yelled at. I hate being yelled at! A lot of days I find myself sad or upset at the tiniest things because of my low self confidence. I am very tired of feeling this way. Is this normal for a seventeen year old? What can I do about this?




  1. Make a list of positive things to tell yourself everyday and put it in a place where you will read it.  Put on the list that you are beautiful, smart, funny...whatever you want to put.  Remember confidence is beautiful.

  2. You know, I use to feel that way. I decided one day to stand in front of the mirror everyday and tell myself at least 2 things I liked about myself. It sarted with my hair. I'm sure there is at least one thing you like about yourself. Try not only to look for physical qualities, but also your personality. What's your zodiac sign?

  3. It sounds like this is a big problem for you.  I'm sorry that you are experiencing it.  I suggest that you see a counselor.  I have had therapy and it has helped me with issues similar to those that you are facing.

    Besides counseling, exercise can really boost your self-confidence.  It makes you look and feel better.  Your exercise program should address all five aspects of physical fitness: aerobic endurance, muscular endurance, muscular strength, flexibility, and body fat composition.  This is an excellent site for exercise:

    Best wishes to you.

  4. I am sooo sorry you feel this way.  I do not have the magical answer, I wish I did.  I have felt like that before so I know it is no fun at all.  I will pray for you....I truly hope you find the answer you're looking for.  You know the answer is inside you right?  

  5. What are you happy doing? What has been successful for you? Repeat

    those things. Also it helps to answer other peeps questions on Yahoo Answers on subjects you are familiar with.

    Take a communications class at a community college. Get signed up for the fall session. Maybe also take a class in some work related subject to gain more knowledge about your job.

    I was just talking to a friend of mine at work last night who has your same problem, and she had quit law school with only one class lacking.

    She has an excuse for everything. I think she may have written the book on excuses. NO EXCUSES! Get going with finding out about what is going on. LISTEN to the NEWS .Talk to people about the latest things. They'll know you have changed, and won't bully you or yell at you.

    If you have questions about ANY subject ask it at GOOGLE.COM

    Good Luck to you!

  6. Find an area of interest and become good at it. Art, music, mechanics, gardening, doesn't matter.  Secondly, pick a subject of interest and read as much as you can about it. You will automatically become smarter than most everyone else about that subject and people who aren't dumb  will be impressed by your knowledge. Volunteer. It's best if it's a charity where you can come in contact with the people you're helping. There's even some scientific evidence that when you help someone else your happy chemicals increase. That's why everyone here is giving free advice. It makes them happy to help. Not such a bad world, eh? Self esteem comes from what you do. Also, ignore the voice in your head that says "I can't". Unless you have a giant brain injury from a spike in your head that is corrupting your mind, YOU CAN. There's also no shame in seeing a counselor(if you're still in high school, for the love of  God, don't see your guidance counselor! They only know about g.p.a.s and safe schools). One must do to really be.

  7. Reinstall Windows.  It'll give you a fresh start!

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