
Are there any ways to get addicted to studying?

by Guest61292  |  earlier

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Many people can easily get addicted to fun things like video games, shopipng, etc. Well I wish I can consentrate, get fun, and addicted to studying, just like playing video games, are there any ways to be that?




  1. Yes you can get addicted to studying.

    First you have to set reasonable goals and study at set times every day.

    Study the subjects that are hard for you first. Then go on to the ones that are interesting to you. This is a reward for you.

    Set your goals to attaining something from every subject. If you got an "c" in a subject make it a game to get a "b" next time then go for the "a". Make it a personal challenge which is just what it is.

    Learn to concentrate on what seems the small things in the subject you need to master.   Remember that what you are really doing is becoming the master of this subject.  That is what video games are really about after all so study could be just that.

    Why not go into word processing and make questions that you have the answers to stashed somewhere?  Keep going over and over them on your computer until you have them down pat and can answer them with no problem

    Get a tape recorder and read what you need to learn into the recorder then play it back over and over until it all sinks in.  At test time you will hear your own voice telling you the answer.

    The great perks of all this is that you no longer will feel anxious and upset on test days.

    Sometime the first of the year with a teacher they will give you all the the papers they will expect of you and when they are due.  Get them started that night. Start a separate tape of them in your own voice and you can then sit down and write that report or whatever it is in little or no time and have it printed out and turned in well before the time limit.

    Learn to dwell on the little things and the big things will take care of themselves and you will find you have lots more time for the video games and the shopping etc that you find fun in your life.

  2. Studying is always kinda a chore that has to be done though there are several ways to try and make it more manageable though.

    -take 3 minute breaks every 25 minutes(most important) This insures that information will stay inside your head and you wont stress out making studying way easier

    - flash cards this idea sounds dumb but in a test you can imagine the card flipping over (especially good for timed tests)  Challenging yourself to this can always make study time more enjoyable

  3. Good question - marvelous question.

    Ok, video games and shopping are the examples you point at.

    What elements in them, render them addictive?

    For one - you can take the attitude that it is fun. like taking mucking up as just fun, as just innocent sillyness.

    You will need interactivity to make it fun - so you need at least one other person.

    Introduce some friendly competition to keep up the motivation for the bits you have to do alone.

    If your into mmorpgs, you can view it to a certain degree like leveling or attaining skills in certain branches of a talent tree, even to the extent of the sort or areas of something you are better at in terms of classes.

    Basically you can see you can make it fit into an system that works else where so it fits into it. Putting the whole thing into a different perspective that is more enjoyable.

    You can also consider breaking it down to attainment chunks - or bite size chunks as its known. It's more enjoyable if you are getting somewhere with it.

    Make games out of the knowledge you have attained so far with the other(s) - using the language you ahve learned so far for certain sentences, playing 'catch' with chemistry elements (say one, then the next one in order, etc), whatever. Essentially turning it into a banter/competition between you, although you dont have to make it competition as much as it's banter based on the theme of the study.

    In essence - seek to enjoy and play with it more than render it rigid.

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