
Are there any ways to make money on a golf course?

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Other than being really good at golf and winning tournaments and such.




  1. Find lost golf balls at your local courses and resell them.

  2. Caddy, beverage cart, starter, and gambling.

  3. Well yes a lot of business men and women do business on the course selling insurance closing deals etc....or you can be a ball hawk find em  and sell for the course cut the grass etc, give lesson but you have to be good but you said your not so thats out....cleans clubs for tips..... run a food & beer gps to a yardage book for course if they dont have one

  4. Just simply bet on each hole if you got your game on smash, that will make the money and bring them back again to try and win it back.

  5. u can be a caddy, they get 25%

  6. Hustle, in which I meen gambling a nice way of making money

  7. You might think about organinzing golf eventys for large groups or something like a concierge.  You don't have to ba any good at golf to do that, I'm sure.

  8. Golf courses are always hiring. I'm a golf professional and I know it is extremely hard to find people.  Here are some jobs: caddy, cart attendant, starter/ranger, shop attendant.  These jobs require no previous golf knowledge and most clubs will grant you free playing priviledges at the course. You can also work on the golf course maintenance staff.

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