
Are there any ways to save on fuel?

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are there any boats on alternative fuels? cause I keep reading about cars that need like less than a glass of fuel.




  1. There is now a trawler that runs on solar.  Panels cover the cabin tops and everything runs off batteries or a backup gennie for the cloudy days.  Pricy but what boat isn't?

  2. Hi,

    I guess I'm one of the lucky ones because the price of gas doesn't really bother me any more.

    About 2 months ago I found the strangest website that explained how you could run your car (or any vehicle for that matter) on a mixture of gas and water. As you would expect, I initially dismissed it as complete rubbish but when I bumped into a friend that had converted his car and doubled his miles per gallon I decided to take a look.

    I'm no mechanic but still managed to convert my Subaru in about two hours. I'm stunned that just plain water can make this difference but my engine now not only runs much quieter but gives me around 33 miles per gallon instead of the 26 I was getting before!   It's just like gas prices have dropped by 26%!

    If you like you can see some videos and info about this water for gas idea at:

  3. We had a boat that used the ideal alternative fuel - the wind.  We had a sailboat, and we used a wind generator and solar panels as well.  We did have an inboard motor too, but used it as little as possible.  I have not heard of power boats that use alternative fuels.  A neat concept though.

  4. Wind power, as in a sailboat.  There are also other alternate fuels available.  Wood and coal work well in a steam powered craft.  You could also go nuke power, but they tend to be big boats.

  5. For small boats < 30 feet the fuel costs aren't out of line for the cost of the boat.  Unless you are just cheap.

    For larger boats and those that have 2 or more engines, the cost of operation goes way up.

    A recent development has been the conversion to Diesel - Electric systems.  This is the same system used on Locomotives, which are extremely efficient.

    Remember that for large boats, planing on top of the water is not an option. All boats are therefore, displacement and are governed by their hull speed.  so the most efficient form of combustion and power transmission is the turbo-diesel generator and electric motors.

    In this way the generators operate at the most efficient RPM and compression ratio the electricity drives relatively small 30-50 hp (and up) brushless DC motors attached to shafts directly.

    Fuel costs for 300-500 hp installations are reduced by 30-40%.  Low speed torque is massive because of the electric motor has infinite torque at zero speed.  (imagine max power at zero knots).  but thats another asset.

    conversions eliminate the second engine and opens up additional engine room space.  Power can be diverted to batteries and the ship run on battery power, for low noise operations. The control system is automated and the conversion from battery power to generator power is done by the controller, not the helm.  heml controls total power (this control system is exactly like the Toyota Prius, except much larger) Yes this is a Hybrid for boats.


  6. leave your boat at the dock and swim. i have a seray sundancer and it costs $550 to fill it up. its insane.

  7. yeah, it's called an electric trolling motor or a set of oars...

  8. Trim down the weight.

    If you are only going out for a few hours ,you don't need a full load of food fuel and clothing

    Trim your boat quickly, plowing thru the water wastes sooooo much fuel(Trim tabs work great, especially the automatics)

    Start out nice and easy

    Hole shots waste gas

    Don't idle excessively

    Plan your activities so that you don't have to run back to the dock all day

    Keep the engine(s) tuned and the drive(s) in good shape.

    Propeller pitch  and size can have a great effect on fuel consumption

    My  25 ft. Larson holds 81 Gal(U.S.)

    I can get a weeks worth of fun out on the 3 Rivers of Pittsburgh PA. and still come back with 1/4 tank.( I like to Fish,cruise the channels, and raft-up with friends)

    My brother (who likes to go-fast and get noticed) can burn off 80 gallons in 2 days.

    ( And never refills the tank when he borrows  my boat)

  9. I just spent $1200.00 to fill my boat up. If you figure something out, let me know

  10. Run you vessel at the minimum speed to keep on plane

  11. bio fuels, use of diesel combustion engine with modern economy technology and outboards 4stoke against a 2stroke underpowered boat may use more fuel then underpowered yet one can have a excessive power unit for the necessary ideal situation.. Pilot the vessel like a economy ,sensible car driver dont be excessive in power use throttle on with ease keep the power unit well maintained in service.

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