
Are there any web site to teach a three year old to use a computer?

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Are there any web site to teach a three year old to use a computer?




  1. why does a 3yr old need to learn how to use the computer? can they read at that age?? even if there was a website (google it and see) surely they wouldnt understand it. the best to teach a 3yr old to use a computer is an adult, or someone who knows how, to sit and teach them.

  2. Don't bother. My younger son was enthralled by computers and I can't remember anyone teaching him anything, except his preschool teacher showed him how to use a painting game.

    Your child will have a much better time if you stick to game-like activities that s/he can play with you or with minimal supervision. These are NOT Internet games. These are downloadable ones. Even so, limit the time because even adults will sit too long and cause themselves eye and muscle problems--not to mention obesity.

  3. Wow! It's not a good method to teach someone to use a tool esp. at the age of 3!

    Even adults are struggling to learn computers.

    If you really would like to teach your child how to use computers, pls. also monitor it's learning process.

    For a child, I would suggest an adult & some basic picture books for it to understand the basic functions of computers first.

    Else you will get a damaged keyboard/mouse or PC. Kids tend to chew on those stuffs & droll over it.

    After getting thru the basics 2-3 weeks, depending on it's ability.

    Then you can introduce softwares, like kids games, kids IT, learning softwares. just expose your kid & let it learn or etc on it's on to explore for 1hour or so daily.

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