
Are there any web sites where one can test their Psychic ability?

by  |  earlier

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and please do not mention to me about James Randi and his million dollars. I am not interested




  1. Yes. I have included a link below. For a more complete list of links see my answer to the question about ESP tests.

    Hey maybe it would be fun if we set up some psychic tests in here and see how people do?


  2. Say, have you heard about the Amazing Randi and his $1 Million Challenge?  :) Just kidding. I posted this link in the other duplicate question:

  3. I did a psychic "quiz" on here and people seemed to enjoy it because I answered them and told them if they were right or wrong.  I don't know if the one who won was truthful or not...just have to take her word for it. Why don't you do one of those "quiz's" ? Just don't say "If you're really a psychic you will know this". lol That just doesn't go over. But it's fun to try!! If you do one..PLEASE tell us the answer before you do a best answer on it and we never know. (Guess we could go to Resolved Questions though) Have fun!!!lol

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