
Are there any web sites which broadcast snooker or pool - such as world championships?

by  |  earlier

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I'm in Australia and there is no pool or snooker on any of the free to air or pay stations - I've been here 7 years and sorely miss the Embassy (as was) World Snooker !




  1. sometimes a z billiards shows tourneys and you can follow the brackets on there as well

  2. I'm not so sure about snooker as I've never looked.  The Mosconi Cup held recently was broadcast over their site, I believe.  The International Pool Tour also has matches on their site.  They have a free match coming up: Johnny Archer vs Earl Strickland.  I can't do the time conversion for you, but it's 8pm Eastern time in the USA on Wed.  Hurry up and register.

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