
Are there any websites about starting ur own pub in spain/canaries etc?

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I'm really interested in getting some information about what is involved what you need etc. Also do you have to buy the property outright or run it for a brewery or lease etc. Really grateful for any advice as I don't have a clue.




  1. You may like to have a look at this article on my web iste called"Buying a Bar in Spain"


    Normally the property is either bought or rented and is not attached to a specific brewery as in the U.K. The min thing you need to be sure of is that you have the right licences but just use a good legal advisor and they will sort all that out for you.

  2. There are many websites out there with this kind of stuff on, and i would not follow any of them too closely, the best advice really is go to the area in question and look at a few places, if you decide to still do it, get a spanish lawyer that speaks english, not an english lawyer that speaks spanish, that way you shou8ld get accurate info. Most bars are bought on traspaso, a 5 year lease, you are not tied to breweries here. If you are going to do it, bear in mind that many have failed big time, having sold everything they own at home thinking that its an easy life, its not, there was a report out a while ago that some 80% of people that set up a bar here, go home again within 2 years, and of that 80%, 98% never return. Have enough money to survive at least 12 to 18 months without making a penny, and you should be ok.

    Good luck.

  3. Don't buy or rent anything in Spain without a Spanish lawyer, your best best is to look for new builds as the normally have shops and bars for sale too, built in to the complex, also buying off plan is much cheaper get in early, and your property will increase in value as the build gets near to completion, there are quite a few at the moment, but do your research.

  4.  but if you don't have a clue it is not recommended.  having a clue about the business you are in is funnily enough one of the keys to being successful - although you might get lucky.

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