
Are there any websites out there where people design and build engines from scratch?

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Casting aluminum,machining, the whole nine? Haven't found anything yet beyond "Virtual Indian" which is interesting but devoid of mechanical content. I'm a little more ambitious but need guidance insofar as execution of design-my desired outcome is to use over the shelf parts-i.e.Ducati, some Rice rocket periphernalia, to build an engine shell,from a casting, of a unique machine capable or extreme speed and endurance, that has a bit of a retro feel and appearance to it. I have access to a machine shop and already do some sand casting.




  1. Patrick does ground-up work, but they prefer billet.  Link is below.

    I don't think sand casting will work for cylinders and heads, I think you have to consider investment castings instead.  Sand casting has too much porosity for high performance applications.

  2. you need proper design software to it

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