
Are there any websites that are against PETA or vegetarianism?

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I am thinking of going vegan but i always want both; sides so i am looking for a website with the other sid or if you could tell me why your not vegetarian or vegan.




  1. While getting both sides on an issue is always a great idea, you need to be careful where you look for that opposing information. You can get credible sources on why vegetarianism is healthy for you(journal articles, the American dietetic associations position, etc), but most of the opposing view points are propaganda, anti-PETA websites, etc, that are not credible sources of info. Anyone can put up a webpage, and any website can be bias and have an agenda. I would make sure you are looking at credible sources of info. Look for websites that are put out by credible sources, find journal articles(also from credible resources), etc.

    Sifting through all the junk out there is hard. It would be like asking for information on why vegetarianism is good and only looking at PETA websites. Some of the info is correct, but a lot is exaggerated, they only supply the info they want you to know, etc. Credible and most of all, unbiased sources are what you need to look for.

  2. You can go to those websites if you want to but I'll just warn you that most of them are funded by the CCF and other companies that get rich off the backs of tortured animals.  Rick Berman and CCF get paid millions by big money animal-abusing corporations and businesses to smear Peta and other humane groups for their own financial gain.  They are filled with lies and half-truths.

    Take my advice: When money is involved, people will say anything to make more of it.  And that's exactly what these anti-vegetarian sites do.

  3. this website is just irritating

    and this is an anti-peta website:

    and for anti-peta protests from yahoo:;...

    I'm vegan, but all the anti-vegetarian arguments I've heard are really weird like "veganism is child abuse", "it's part of the food chain" hitler was a vegetarian" and "it tastes good"

  4. There is no real argument against vegetarianism or veganism but PeTA uses many tactics for the sake of media attention that do more damage than good. I would never give a dime to PeTA as they refuse to put most of their money into effective education that isn't about shocking and enraging people.

    PeTA protests have resulted in positive change for the animals that are raised for meat to be sold in chains such as Mcdonald's and KFC but most everything else they do in public is better left undone.

    A much, much better organization to support would be Vegan Outreach. They do a lot of work at college campuses and they are all about polite leafleting without huge signs or yelling.

  5. Vegetarianism can be sensible a dietary choice so I doubt if you will find much against it hoerver it is not the absolute key health and longevity that many claim. A quick google search of PETA hypocricy should tell any thinking person all they need to know about them.

  6. There is no real logical argument against vegetarianism. It is a lifestyle choice people are free to make. One caveat however is that there seems to be a misconception (perhaps due to promotion and propaganda) that being a vegetarian makes you automatically healthy or that it is a magical weight loss program. You still have to work at getting the proper balance of nutrients into your body to be healthy, vegetarian or not.

    As for PETA, think about it.  Even here, there are scores of vegetarians who dislike PETA and d do not trust them. They only have 790,000 members all over the world despite their high visibility media and propaganda campaigns. There are many websites that are not anti-vegetarian, merely anti-PETA. There are also a lot of PETA fanatics that roam these pages that will be giving you misleading and outright false information about their much hated group.

    You can try this website:

    It's a site by former PETA members.

    Also you can Google "Ingrid Newkirk quotes". You will find many links about PETA boss Ingrid Newkirk and about PETA itself.

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