
Are there any websites that can help me? My son hasnt been getting good sleep and for the last 2 weeks hes?

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been blanking out and not being able to answer the simplest questions at school, hes also been getting hives and he gets those when hes stressed out, its like the teacher will think hes been learning and then its like he will forget it all. hes 6 btw and is in special ed. Someone please help




  1. Have you taken him to the doctor? or were his meds change are you doing something different.

    last year I got really sick! My Doctor gave me 2 different kinds of meds I would take then at the same time, one day I got curious and peeled off the info sticker on the bottle and realize I had been taking the med not as prescribe. So I called both the pharmacy and Doctor and they ask'd if I had read and fallow the info on how to take the meds? I said Well the pharmacy's didn't realy say much or not to take together anyways they both said you still have to read label for proper dosesage and what to avoid when taking certain meds. I was informed how to take and fallow direction just  as I was instructed that same day, I would took them at night time because it could cause drowsy. I got worst but I thought it was because I was sick, I ache all over, I couldn't feel my feet, my body was so cold, I never thought I was having allergic reaction to the med. I feel into a deep sleep My Husband always wake me up before he leaves to work 4:45am He couldn't wake me up I can hear him but I couldn't respond, his voice just got more and more faded, I was covered in hives he took me to the Hospital the doctors said I had bad reaction to the med, If my husband had not taken me to the hospital I would not be here. When I took the meds the proper way I realize I was allergic to that 1 med, however my body did not catch it because the med wasn't taking the effect it should have been because the other medication over power it. caution this happens all the time from what my doctor and pharmacy's told me that's why you should read and take very serious the instructions.

  2. What is his diag? Its most likely he needs to be on a strict nighttime routine. My son has to do certian things in order to get a good nigths sleep. Do away with drinks other then milk and no sugars a little before you put him to bed. He may also have some sort of virus that you dont know about which may affect him. Or have you had him on or off of any meds lately. Even Motrin bothers mine. a good quiet routine at night and this may help him.

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