
Are there any websites where you can order merchandise and not pay the bill until its delivered?

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Are there any websites where you can order merchandise and not pay the bill until its delivered?




  1. No such website.  You need to make full payment before goods are sent to you.

    You need to trust the seller if you want to buy online.

  2. Yes, any time you order from a website that accepts credit cards you can technically pay your credit card off whenever you want to.

    But there is no company that will ship a product to you before they've charged you for it. Don't you think that would be extremely risky for the website?

    If you are a business of some sort and do a lot of business with one of your suppliers they may set up terms of credit with you. Then they'll ship the product to you and typically give you 30 days to pay. But I'm pretty sure that's not what you're talking about.

  3. not anymore. there used to be a thing called c.o.d. (cash on delivery) but now there are only verrrry few things you can purchase that way, and that can only be done over the phone, not via the net

  4. I would just use a credit card or paypal which will accept your credit card and you should have 30 days to pay if you need time to come up with the money.  If you want to delay payment because you want to make sure you get the right item, credit cards will protect you up to 60 days for items over $50.  Paypal will however cover your for any amount if the seller sales you a defective item or if the item did not live up to its advertisement.  You get about 45 days on Paypal for disputes.

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