
Are there any woman philosophers of note in history?

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Are there any woman philosophers of note in history?




  1. Proof enough that men never listened!

  2. A list of female philosophers, ordered alphabetically:

        * Marilyn McCord Adams, (born 1943)

        * Linda Martin Alcoff

        * Alice Ambrose, (1906-2001)

        * Pamela Sue Anderson

        * Julia Annas

        * G. E. M. Anscombe, (1918-2001)

        * Hannah Arendt, (1906-1975)

        * Arete of Cyrene, (4th century B.C.)

        * Aristoclea, (6th century B.C)

        * Aspasia of Miletus, (5th century B.C.)

        * Mary Astell, (1666-1731)

        * Babette Babich (1956-)

        * Linda Badham, (born 1950)

        * Annette Baier, (born 1929)

        * Ban Zhao, (c. 35-100) D2

        * Antoinette Brown, (1825-1921)

        * Judith Butler, (born 1956)

        * Mary Whiton Calkins, (1863-1930)

        * Nancy Cartwright (born 1943) O

        * Margaret Cavendish, (1623-1673)

        * Christine de Pizan, (c. 1365-c. 1430)

        * Andrea Christofidou

        * Patricia Churchland, (born 1943)

        * Hélène Cixous, (born 1937)

        * Catherine Trotter Cockburn, (1679-1749)

        * Lady Anne Finch Conway, (1631-1679)

        * Simone de Beauvoir, (1908-1986)

        * Émilie du Châtelet, (1706-1749)

        * Raya Dunayevskaya, (1910-1987)

        * Dorothy Edgington

        * George Eliot, (1819-1880)

        * Elisabeth of Bohemia, (1618-1680)

        * Bracha L. Ettinger

        * Philippa Foot, (born 1920)

        * Dorothea Frede, (1941-)

        * Margaret Gilbert

        * Charlotte Perkins Gilman, (1860-1935)

        * Hannah Ginsborg

        * Emma Goldman, (1869–1940)

        * Marie de Gournay, (1565-1645)

        * Celia Green, (born 1935)

        * Marjorie Grene, (born 1910)

        * Susan Haack, (born 1945)

        * Jane Heal

        * Virginia Held

        * Ágnes Heller, (born 1929)

        * Heloise, (1101-1162)

        * Mary Hesse, (born 1924)

        * Hildegard of Bingen, (1098-1179)

        * Hipparchia, (4th century BC)

        * Jennifer Hornsby, (born 1951)

        * Rosalind Hursthouse

        * Hypatia of Alexandria, (370-415)

        * Luce Irigaray, (born 1930)

        * Martha Klein

        * Christine Korsgaard

        * Julia Kristeva, (born 1941)

        * Susanne Langer, (1895-1985)

        * Michèle Le Dœuff, (born 1948)

        * Leontion, (4th century BC)

        * Rosa Luxemburg, (1871-1919)

        * Catherine Macaulay, (1731-1791)

        * Penelope Maddy

        * Ruth Barcan Marcus, (born 1921)

        * Harriet Martineau, (1802-1876)

        * Damaris Cudworth Masham, (1659-1708)

        * Mechthild of Magdeburg, (1210-1285)

        * Mary Midgley, (born 1919)

        * Ruth Millikan, (born 1933)

        * Iris Murdoch, (1919-1999)

        * Nancey Murphy, (born 1951)

        * Judith Sargent Murray, (1751-1820)

        * Martha Nussbaum, (born 1947)

        * Onora O'Neill, (born 1941)

        * Janet Radcliffe Richards, (born 1944) (She taught me)

        * Ayn Rand, (1905-1982)

        * Rosemary Radford Ruether, (born 1936)

        * Ruth Lydia Saw

        * Anna Maria van Schurman, (1607-1678)

        * Lady Mary Shepherd, (1777-1847)

        * Bryan Albridge,

        * Sor Juana, (1648-1695)

        * Anne Louise Germaine de Staël, (1766-1817)

        * L. Susan Stebbing, (1885-1943)

        * Edith Stein, (1891-1942)

        * Gabrielle Suchon, (1631-1703)

        * Shannon Sullivan

        * Harriet Taylor Mill, (1807-1858)

        * Teresa of Avila, (1515-1582)

        * Judith Jarvis Thomson, (born 1929)

        * Baroness Mary Warnock, (born 1924)

        * Simone Weil, (1909-1943)

        * Victoria, Lady Welby, (1837-1912)

        * Mary Wollstonecraft, (1759-1797)

        * Frances Wright, (1795-1852)

        * Dorothy Maud Wrinch, (1894-1976)

        * Linda Zagzebski, (born 1946)

  3. Where do U think all those philosophers got their philosophy from ? 4 me they R the prominent ones in PRACTICAL philosophy. U want a name ? OK. Hilary Clinton, in her campagn,sold the idea of (experience) as if she was the president of the USA for 2 terms. And guess what ? most ppl bought it. :)

  4. Ayn Rand

    She's the only one that matters to me.

  5. H. P. Blavatsky was quite important in terms of occult writings.

  6. Honestly, I can't think of one off the top of my mind!

  7. Two notable ones come to mind. Hypatia, a 4-5 century follower of Plotinus. She was murdered by a frenzied Christian mob after being dragged into a church..A 19th century  Russian noblewoman, Helena Blavatsky, was instrumental in bringing the teachings of eastern philosophy to the west, though she herself never made any claims to their authorship, insisting, to the ridicule of a good section of the intelligensia of the time, that what she wrote was dictated to her, some of it telepathically, by eastern masters or mahatmas.

    I feel I should add that, however small the number of women philosophers may be, this should in no way be taken as an indication of female intellectual inferiority, but only of the fact that women's mental capacities are inherently inclined elsewhere, to matters which are more relevant to the immediate necessities of survival - leaving profounder,but practically useless, ramblings to men.

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