
Are there any women who have been

by Guest10862  |  earlier

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Extremely irregular when it comes to their periods? But have become pregnant? Also if there are any women who always wanted to get pregnant and never thought they could and then to their surprise they became pregnant. I would just like to know if any other women have had any of these similar concerns or accomplishments. Thanks Ladies.




  1. me!!! i ve had bad, irregular periods all my life and i got prego without even knowing

  2. I have an irregular period and I didn't think I could get pregnant without help because of my endometriosis. My husband and I have not used protection for years and I never got pregnant. I started working out 5 to 6 times a week and changed my diet to only eat the calories I needed and bam I was pregnant in a month.  We weren't trying but we have always said what happens happens.

  3. I don't know how "extreme" you mean, but I was never very regular.  It could be anywhere from 4-7 weeks between periods for me, which is why I took the pill.  After getting off the pill, my hubby and I tried for 15 months before finally getting pregnant.  Most people I know were pregnant within 6 months of trying, so I was about ready to give up trying without really planning and actually start doing all the other stuff recommended to track ovulation and increase the odds. I thought I was PMSing when a friend suggested a pregnancy test.  Since she had a spare (she thought she was) I went ahead and tested.  We were so caught off guard that my hubby's first response was to give my friend the test to play a joke on her boyfriend, who didn't see the humor in it until after we told him.

  4. Yes, it happened to my 2 friends.

    Both of them have told their husband before getting married that they might not have any children.

    The first one, get their first child just few months after they get married.

    The second one, now is having 2 girls.

    They had very irregular period. Like once in every few months.

    Even the 2nd friend (the one has 2 girls now), it can be more than a year to get period for once then stopped again.

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