
Are there any working moms here who are offended about the way the libs and the media are treating Palin?

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Are there any working moms here who are offended about the way the libs and the media are treating Palin?




  1. Sarah Palin deserves it. She will not get my vote  

  2. If you can't dish it out, why bother taking it in--if all you're going to do is whine and cry about it in the end?

    Grow up and stop complaining! This is politics! Not Sesame Street!

  3. Women don't like Republicans, that's why McCain had to go all the way to Alaska to find one for his ticket.

  4. no not at all, McCain is an idiot for picking someone he hardly knew, he should have seen this coming

  5. You ought to be offended that McCain picked Palin for only one reason, a vain attempt to get the votes Hillary would have gotten if she had been nominated.

  6. t*t for tat  Republicans would do the same thing and have on McCain when George was running....can't stand it when the heat is on them.

  7. I'm a working mom but I'm not offended - I consider the source and then I count my money, rub my hands together thinking of the next war we'll engage in, and clean my guns.

  8. I am very offended.These same liberal thinking open minded people are dragging a woman and her family throught the mud because they are classless.Obama is losing voters daily because of his supporters vile mouths.

  9. Your question is as bad as McPOWs presumptiousness about women flocking to his side for picking a female running mate.

  10. omg how dare they not treat her like a princess instead of a corruption, hippocritic politician she is.

  11. I don't understand these questions.  The media has merely reported stories.  I have heard no attacks on Palin based on her daughter's pregnancy or her husbands DUI, which is how it should be.  The only criticism of Palin herself that I have heard is her lack of experience which is an undeniably fair critique.  Just imagine what the reaction would have been had Barack and Michelle Obama had a child who was pregnant out of wedlock.  This is nothing.

  12. Yes, this is bullying.

    The same people who are holding seminars on bullying and "mean girls" are the ones who are attacking Palin and her daughter because they don't agree with her on policy stands that she has taken.

    They are saying that as a result of her opinions, her daughter has become pregnant.


    This happens in lots of families - from all over the political spectrum, whether the teenagers have had s*x ed or not.

    The kids use condoms thar fail or think that "this time" it isn't going to "happen to them."

    Or the girl forgets to take her pills or takes antibiotics which makes the pills not work.

    This is all because they want to attack Palin on something, anything.

    Yes, every intelligent person should be offended by BULLIES.

  13. I'm a working mom and NO, I'm not offended at all

  14. NOPE....... not at all.........

    She deserves every bit of it....... She's christian.......

    Karma will always come back to bite you in the ****.......

  15. I'm offended by the implication that I'd vote for anti-feminist Palin simply because we have the same nads.

  16. I voted for Hillary and the way the democrats treated her and now Palin  my vote is for McCain. If I was a woman voting for Obama I would turn and run fast. Democrats have spent this whole campaign bashing women even going as far as deciding the Hillary votes well mine is with McCain and Palin08'.  Palin understands womens issues wake up WOMEN !!! Listen to these democrats they all act as though they have uresolved MOTHER issues!!!!!


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