
Are there anyone who can beat anderson silva, george st. pierre and fedor in future?

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do you guys think are there any fighters who can beat george st. pierre, anderson silva and fedor in their weight class in future? after 3~5 years who can beat any of these fighers in their weight class




  1. i think GSP would lose to BJ Penn if they were to fight. Even though Anderson Silva seems at the top of his division, he has been beaten before so id say someone like michael bisping might be able to beat him in the future with a lil more training and after getting used to dropping weight. He looked pretty solid during his last few fights. fedor...although he seems unbeatable at this point, he hasnt fought in awhile and no one stays on top forever

  2. Anderson silva can be beat chonan did it, takase did it. He can be submited, i give ricardo almedia a chance should he get him to the ground.

    GSP can be beat, fitch won't do it, though he has a chance, thiago alves (not thiago silva a lhw) would have a chance, bj maybe also.

    Fedor will beat both sylvia and couture, not sure who would beat him, sylvia will present a challenge but won't win. Fedor can be hurt though it is rare and he recovers quick.

    All of the above fighters can be beat, it is a matter of who and when. No one is unbeatable.

  3. Silva could lose now to Fhilo(WEC), Fedor could lose now to Randy Couture unlikely for both of these to happen, but very possible. GSP is a great fighter, but he got knocked out by Matt Serra so really anyone can beat him. If the question was 'what up and comers to look for' HW: Brock Lesner is a beast, MW: Bisbing seems to be improving alot, WW: Kenny Florian just looks better every time I see him fight.

  4. ^^^Yeah, because Matt's standup is so good that it would take someone with insane standup to dismantle him. Good point, idiot. They are all beatable. End of story.

  5. I think Fedor and GSP will lose this year. GSP will probably lose to a VERY underrated Jon Fitch, and if Fedor beats Sylvia, he will lose to Randy Couture. Anderson Silva? Only if Hendo gets a second crack at him.

  6. gsp... could be beaten by bj pen

    silva could lose to fitch

    fador... is the least likely to lose because he wont fight anyone

  7. for sure nobody stay at the top forever

  8. Im not sure about Anderson Silva, as he seems to have no equal in the middleweight division (maybe Paulo Filho from WEC? They have said publicly that they will not fight each other), but Georges St. Pierre and Fedor I think are vulnerable and here is why:

      With Georges St. Pierre, he has a match coming up with Jon Fitch, which Georges should win. After that, he has to fight Thiago Silva.  Thiago has a wicked stand up that Georges would be hard pressed to match (anyone who saw Thiago dismantle Matt Hughes knows this).  Even if he manages to get by Thiago Silva, he will fight B.J. Penn in the near future.  So some hard matches coming for GSP, but he is my favorite fighter and may pull it off.

    Now Fedor, I think he will lose soon for only one reason, and that is because he hasn't fought a quality opponent in his weight class in a very long time. His next matches against Tim Sylvia and possibly Randy Couture and/or Andre Arlovski are no cake fights.  Not fighting in that long will definitely take a toll on anyone, even Fedor Emelianko.

  9. I think GSP has a very good chance of losing to Jon Fitch. If Fitch can somehow make this a ground game I think it's his match to win. His wrestling skills are amazing.

    Honestly, the only person that I think can beat Anderson Silva at middleweight is if Wanderlei Silva moves down. That is the best shot of him losing. Dan Henderson is known for his wrestling and Anderson Silva didn't have much of a hard time with him. Wanderlei is a very explosive fighter and would be a much different fight than anything that Anderson Silva is used to. If Wanderlei comes out with knees like he did in the PRIDE days I would have to say good luck to Silva.

    Fedor I don't see losing anytime soon. Sylvia will give him a hard time just because of his height and reach. Even though he hasn't fought top competition in awhile means nothing. His cardio will be amazing. He practices JUDO and SAMBO year round. There is a fight where Fedor is fighting big nog and Randy couture is co-commentator(it's on youtube) and he was even amazed at how hard Fedor pushed the the fight and never slowed down.

    He is the most well rounded heavyweight ever. His self defence has to be the best out there by anyone in any division. His ground game is relentless and his strikers are very hard as well(as couture stated) He is the most relaxed fighter. Dude got dropped on his head by Randleman and minutes later wins the match by armbar. Just insane. There is a reason why Randy Couture has soo much respect for him and wants to fight him only. They both have the most respect for each other.

    Randy would have the best chance of giving him a loss just due to the fact that he is a master of planning his matches out.

  10. You definitely picked the leaders of the pack in their weight classes.  Anything can happen as their are always new champions.

    I could see some plausible losses.

    Underdog Wanderlei Silva beats Anderson Silva by breaking Anderson's nose and getting a ref stoppage.

    Underdog BJ Penn avenges his loss after being beaten badly by sneaking a lucky triangle choke in the 3rd.

    Fedor gets caught up in the moment of attempting an armbar against Tim Silvia, forgets that Frank Mir gave him a metal arm that's not going to give, and gets knocked out with a huge left.

  11. I think Fedor continues to duck the best competition. I don't see St. Pierre or Silva losing anytime soon.

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