
Are there anyone who has stopped watching the left wing media?

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MSNBC, CNN are so biased and disgusting that I have completely tuned them out. I am wondering if there are other people doing the same?




  1. Yeah, I mostly just watch Sean "I'm a pompous a*****e" Hannity and Bill "I'm right or you catch in the jaw" O'Reilly now.

    Actually I don't watch cable or network news, at all.  As far as I'm concerned Larry, Curly, and Moe are more credible than Keith, Sean, and Bill.

  2. It took you this long to realize the Network and Cable News outlets are biased? News Flash! Fox News is biased to the Right the same as the networks you mentioned are biased to the left.

    I watch NBC News and find them to be quite 'Fair and Balanced'. Tune into 'Meet the Press' Sundays on NBC. Check your local NBC Station for the time they carry "Meet the Press'

    Tim Russert was not afraid to ask the tough questions from the Politico he was interviewing. I asked the probing questions irregardless of his Guest's Party Affiliation.

    'Meet the Press' has always been 'Fair and Balanced'

  3. I watched  the conventions on PBS.   Once or twice a year I watch something on CNN and I am only subjected to FOX when I am at my brother's house.  Never seen MSNBC.

  4. Even if you feel that way you should watch some of them anyway.  It's always good to get the other side's opinion.  I think Fox is right wing trash but I watch it occasionally anyway to see what the idiots are saying.    

  5. I watch a bunch of news sources. Thanks for the rant.  Enjoy Fox.

  6. This question was asked last night...they are not left wing, they are both owned by companies that donated a million plus to the GWB campaign.

    CNN - TIME-WARNER TBS - AOL (donated 1.6 million to GW's 2000 campaign)

    MSNBC - GENERAL ELECTRIC --(donated 1.1 million to GW Bush for his 2000 election campaign)

  7. I completely agree with you.

    Yahoo was getting on my nerves during the beginning of this week because they kept posting the Huffington Post as sources - everyone knows that they are completely biased.  Now THAT is disgusting.

  8. No, but I have stopped paying attention to the Right wing media - FOX news, talk radio, etc.

    They are so blind. Take any idea proposed by a conservative or Republican source, and slap a "Democrat" label on it, and they will argue against it for that reason alone. I've seen it happen. Remember the Free trade agreement the Clintons pushed through when Bill was prez? it was originally a republican idea, but as soon as he started to support it, they started to oppose it, even though it was the exact same proposal.

    Obama is a new broom. Time to sweep all those old dusty relics out of Washington.

  9. I try not to listen to any news channels regarding the election. They all seem kind of full of c**p.


    Phonesex, would you like us all to enslave blacks again too?

    You're a racist jerk. That's probably why your name is phonesex. That's all you ever get, isn't it?

  10. MSDNC is the worst!   But I love to tune in for a minute or two while channel surfing just to get a laugh out of their total bias.  And Olberman is the sickest of them all, with loudmouth Mathews not far behind.

  11. Fox is getting too liberal for me.

  12. Yes - I'm not watching them any longer.  I'm so sick of the media trying to tell me what I should think and do - I'm done.

  13. CNN may have been leaning to the left years ago--but these days, not so much. Let me rephrase that, not at all. MSNBC is the lone voice on cable

    that could possibly be viewed as biased, but then again they cannot hold a candle to FAUX (FOX) News. Talk about being "in the tank."

  14. Totally...   MSNBC should be brought up on charges of being anti-American.   I watch sometimes just to get my blood going, but usually listen to conservative talk radio instead.   If I feel a need for a picture, then I go to Fox.   They are not happy unless they are controling the public which is why they love the Dems...   they have MUCH in common...   keeps Americans sedated and in a herd and lead them because they think we evidently are not smart enough to make our own decisions or take care of ourselves...   Ridiculous!

  15. I have been watching Foxnews for quite a bit now.

  16. The myth of the left wing media was created by Reagan's press secretary, now as to the reality of the right wing media, I long ago stopped watching fake, I mean fox news.

  17. NO. MSNBC is the best news network.

  18. I'm just answering to tell phonesex to shut up.

  19. No. I watched both conventions without ever turning to anything except MSNBC. I even enjoy Pat Buchanan.

  20. Liberals watch MSNBC, Conservatives watch Fox, and they both watch CNN from time to time.  

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