
Are there beaches in Massachusetts or Rhode Island you can drive on?

by Guest67039  |  earlier

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I have a Jeep w/ 4x4 and would love to drive out to the beach and camp out for the day, anyone know of a beach in this area that will allow this? Just lookin for a day thing, not a seasonal pass or anything.




  1. In 1970 you could do what ever the h**l you wanted on the beach.  You could park your jeep on Cape Cod and say: F.U.! to the government, "I'm living on this sand dune now!", and then hang a mail-box on the hood of your 4x4.  

    Seriously though, with every year there are less and less places to drive re:  beaches.  I would surf on over to:

    They have outstanding information.

  2. Unfortunately RI sucks and I cannot think of 1 beach you can drive on - LEGALLY!

    Do you play hockey in the RI area?  I'm sitting in my office full of hockey players right now.

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