
Are there birth control shots for horses?

by  |  earlier

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we have 2 stud that live in pasture with 15 mares i was wondering if there are birth control shots for mares that last like a year or something like that...




  1. castration - its the easiest way!

  2. One word Hun. CASTRATION! If you don't want unplanned babies and clearly these stallions are not of quality that should be reproducing as anyone wouldn't allow a stallion to pasture with mares seeing as mares can become quite volatile and aggressive towards stallions. I know I wouldn't let one of my stallions out to pasture with mares.

    Do yourself a favor and cut cost by having your horses gelded or removed them from that pasture. Otherwise this world is going to have more undesirable horses on it's hands or worse. One of your horses could get injured.

  3. While there is birth control out there for horses - gelding the stallions will be much more cost effective.  No birth control is 100% effective, so unless you want an unplanned pregnancy, geld the stallions.

  4. It's easier to build a fence and keep the stallions away from the mares - the best birth control is to stay in control

  5.'s called make the studs, geldings!

  6. GELDING!!

  7. The best way to do it would to move them away from the mares. 2 stud horses should not be with 15 mares. Even if you use this birth control it wont stop them from coming into heat. Which will cause a huge fight between the studs. So for there safty move them 20 feet from the mares with high fences. Unless you want them to get hurt and the mares. Which i really hope you dont want

  8. a. put the studs in a different field (if you have 17 horses then you'll prob have enough room for two fields)

    b. it is an intersting question, that makes me wonder why people would want to go the hard road rather then the eaiser road.

    lol, brib is so right! altho i wanted to try to not get yelled at for being rude... listen to them, they know what they're talkin bout.

    sides that's 32 horse's you're going to have, because i'm sure each and every one of those mares will be knocked up by the end of the month.

  9. WHY THE h**l do you have two stallions in a pasture with 15 mares if you don't want more horses!! WTF is wrong with you?! Have you ever heard of gelding? PLEASE, GELD your stallions! PLEASE!

    EDIT: lol, don't you think it would be easier to geld 2 stallions in one shot than continuely give your 15 mares "birth control" anyway?!

  10. There are some that are vet-approved, but I believe they are very expensive. I'm not sure what they are called, but if you contact your vet, he/she will probably know.

    An easier, and probably cheeper, way to make sure your mares aren't bred is to move the studs away from them. Or, if your stallions aren't of good breeding quality, geld them.

  11. And do you keep records of which stallion sired which foal, and when each mare was bred, and by whom? I would hope so, otherwise, you are going to end up with a mighty strange looking herd in a few years. The best way to control breeding in horses is to geld your studs, and get them away from the mares if you don't want more babies !! This should be a no brainer to you. They don't make oral contraceptives for horses like they do for people, because most people who don't want their mares bred will keep them away from a stallion.

    Get those studs away from your mares, and GELD THEM !!  Enough said.

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