
Are there courses in college that dont have any presentations?

by  |  earlier

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please i need a list of programs/courses that are offered in college that dont require any type of oral presentations because its the thing thats holding me back from applying.. i know its dumb but i hate presentations. id rather to exams and tests.




  1. You're going to have to get over this fear sooner or later. It will be a great feeling of accomplishment once you do get over it. I used to hate doing presentations too but I have quickly learned it is a part of life...unless being a low-wage earner is your thing that is.

    Every college will have general education requirements and every one of them will have Communications. Whether you like it or ont, you will have to take them. It is will worth it, trust me. The skills and communications abilities you can learn from them are valuable.

  2. Unfortunately, you will without a doubt be in some classes that require oral reports.  I had this fear, too, and I took a summer speech class.  The class was much smaller in the summer, and everyone in it had a fear of talking in public, so we all understood what everyone was going through.

  3. I felt the exact same way u did, but in college, u CANNOT avoid atleast one class that deals with oral presentations, its required 2 graduate, so my suggestion is, get over ur fear real soon, it'll actually get better as u go along, u'll see:)

  4. Reporting is a strategy used by all who teach because in the real world, you will make presentations whether it is a sales pitch, a health concern, or an argument. I'm afraid there is no course which will not require you to make an oral presentation at one point or another.

  5. Sure all the remedial courses. Of course not. Every major or minor you go into will have a course or an instructor that requires you to do some kind of presentation weather its an individual or group presentation.

    You don't have to go to college you know but you'll probably get stuck in customer service or retail and poor too for that matter.

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