
Are there different consequences in h**l based on the sins a person has committed or is it the same for all

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Are there different consequences in h**l based on the sins a person has committed or is it the same for all




  1. I don't know if there are consequences based on the crime, but I do know that there are 7 layers of h**l, and each layer under is worse than the other. So murderers, rapists, idol worshippers, etc probably are on the lower levels of h**l.

  2. yes there r different punishments and different levels in h**l the prophet uncle who helped Islam but died a disbeliever will get the lowest punishment in h**l.

  3. yes.there are different levels in h**l for different grades of punishment.

    if there was only one level in h**l ,then a murderer of 100 would be punished equal to the murderer of 1.but no!  God is the most just .therefore each one would be punished accordingly.

    "the most Just" is one of the attributes of God .this is one of the names by which God has called himself(and God doesnt lie :-) )

    99:  6.  That day(of judgement) mankind will issue forth in scattered groups to be shown their deeds.

    99:  7.  then. he who has done an ATOM's WEIGHT of good shall see it

    99:  8.  And he who has done an ATOM'S WEIGHT of evil shall see it.


    "and all other good and evil they did, and that which they leave behind], and all things We have recorded with "numbers "(as a record) in a Clear Book"  (chapter 36, verse 12 .quran)

    there are many more verses and hadith to support this ..

  4. Once a person has made it to h**l everybody burns for eternity. You are given every opportunity to be forgiven for your sins no matter how bad they are, but again once you've made it to h**l there is no forgiveness

  5. Yes. For example, hypocrites are in the lowest depth of Hellfire as alluded to in the Qur'an. It varies.

  6. Salam for you dear.Yes there are different consequences of punish

    ment in h**l which depends on the lightness or heaviness of their bad doings and also on their faith to Allah They will be tortured by themselves because they did not obey to the Qur'an and Hadits which have been given as their life guide. on this earth They will repent but useless because they are too late. h**l has 7 levels and each door is guarded by cruel and hard angels and they obey to Allah (9:34,35)  Kafirs will be tortured the hardest punishment and eternally(87:10,13) Aware or not aware humans will be punished or rewarded just in line with their acts while they are alive on this earth (52:11,16)

  7. Not same for all.  There are seven levels of h**l  from lesser punishment for comitting less sins to the severe punishment h**l for

    severe criminals who live all their lives killing and ruining lives of others.

    In the toughest punishment h**l criminals will neither live nor die.

    When their skin and nerve will burn and they stop feeling the pain of burning, then Angels will take him out, renew his skin like new and through him in fire again to make him feel the pain for very vey long time  for murdering men, women and children.  

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