
Are there different kinds of social movements?

by Guest59300  |  earlier

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Are there different kinds of social movements?




  1. Heck yes. In addition to the other answer offered, I would say that, politically, social movements can sometimes be classified as  Right, Left, or neither. A left-wing social movement would be a movement among peasants to redistribute land equally. A right-wing social movement might be the movement to nullify Roe v Wade and make abortion illegal again. A "neither" movement (although more Left-wing than Right-wing) would be the "Burning Man" movement (this is also much more limited than revolutionary social movements - doesn't aim to completely reorganize society at large, but to create a space within existing society). In Colombia, there is an anti-violence movement, that is angry with both the Right and the Left - they just want the violence to end.

  2. Oh yes. For example, there are revolutions, national movements, grassroots movements... Any sociology class on "Collective Behavior" will cover them all.

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