
Are there electrical outlets in solitary confinement?

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Are there electrical outlets in solitary confinement?




  1. No. There is no reason to have one, as you would have nothing to plug in. They also create a safety risk where an inmate could harm himself.

  2. I spent 6 months in solitary confinement, but it was a jail, not a prison. They put me in there, because I talked my cellmate into killing himself. All I had in my cell was a bed, sink, toilet, and bible, I was allowed to leave my cell for 30 minutes, 4 times a week for a shower. The reason I went to jail was for 3 counts of assault and battery. I know you didn't ask for this much information, but I thought it might help. No, there wasn't any electrical outlets.

  3. no. you are not allowed to have tv's radios, or anything else in solitary therefore you will not have access to outlets. strange question

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