
Are there even Mormons in Egypt? Ever met a mormon-muslim egyptian married couple?

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I'm just fascinated w/ mormon's sense of family values ethics. they seem pretty cool misunderstood much like muslims. I was just wondering if mormonism is even accepted as christianity/ppl. of the book/what by egyptians in general. most christian groups don't consider the Church of Latter Day Saints under the christian umbrella, it's usually placed under the cult umbrella. yes, another random question...enquiring minds want to know.




  1. There is a branch of the LDS church in Egypt, mostly Americans working in Egypt, but only a branch less  than 200. Yes they are misunderstood like Muslims. We are people of the book with extra books.

    As for other christians churches think of us I really don't care, after their history of crusades, witch hunts, inquisitions, wars, corruption, indulgences and televangelists scandals they aren't a good witness of what a Christian should be.

    As for Muslims, read Daniel Petersen's book on Muhammad from a LDS perspective. Also has Cd talk on Muslims from a LDS perspective He's has PHD in Islamic studies visited Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia etc.

  2. i saw TV shows about the Mormons .

    i also visited the US and esp Hawaii where there are many Mormons .

    in the Marriott Hotels in the US , a copy of the Mormon Bible is placed in the bedside table .

    i read it and found a mixture of the ethics of the 3 main religions .

    in Egypt , not many are aware of  this sect.

    our Marriott Hotels do not place their Bible in the rooms .

    so, we dont have Moslems marrying Mormons who arent strictly Christian

    i know they allow more than one wife , which is nt allowed openly in the US .

    they prohibit drinking alcoholic beverages like Moslems .

    they dont allow smoking , either .

    but they also prohibit drinking Pepsi and Cola , Coffee and Tea .

    i suffered from the coffee and Pepsi part when i went to the Cultural Polynesian Center in Hawaii and spent the whole day there .

    i was ok till my afternoon coffee time came , and no Pepsi was allowed , so my head dropped to one side !

    i couldnt enjoy the other half of the day bec of my addiction to coffee and Pepsi !

    i meditated on this .found they were right .but continued my life with my addictions!

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