
Are there exercises I can do at home for slimming my stomach and abs?

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What are the best excercises for your stomach and abs? Are there excersices I can do at home-without going to a gym?




  1. In my opinion you can do the basics.  Pull-ups, Push-ups and dips will really work your core.  They require lots of strength especially the advanced forms that are illustrated here.

    If you perform them with correct form and really target your muscles without getting sloppy you will really work the mid sections.  I think a lot of people need to understand that you don't need to target specific muscles.  You can get an advanced workout but just doing the basics and pretty much target the whole body at once.  

  2. No there is no exercise that specifically slims your stomach or abs. Your body will lose weight when you have a calorie deficit (you burn more calories than you consume). Then your genetics decide where you will lose the weight first. There are some great exercises you can do at home to strengthen your abs. Crunches are great. Also planks are really good. Support your body on your arms and feet, sort of like you are doing a push up, except your forearms are supporting you instead of your hands. Suck your stomach in and tighten your abs. Your body should look like a straight board. Hold it for as long as you can. A minute is a good goal to shoot for. Good luck!


  3. Get a 55cm Fit Ball, google for pictures showing how to exercise  on one.  

  4. You can do the exercise where you pick up the phone and call the lipo doctor

  5. Swiss ball!

    but keep in mind in order to loose abdominal fat you have to factor overall fat in your core and your diet!

  6. My boyfried found this great site that walks you through on how to develop washboard abs. You can easily find out all about it here.


    And if u r willing to spend a few dollars toning ur abs, I would highly recommend getting a swiss ball.  They will probably come with an instruction manual giving u various ways to work your abs.  

    And if u r willing to spend even more money, and have the space, you should pick up an ab lounge.  

    The video is ur third best choice, the swiss ball ur second, and the ab lounge is the best, but no matter which one u choose, you'll get really toned abs in a very short amount of time.  I hope this helps, and good luck =)

  8. There are lots of exercises you can do at home to make your stomach muscles stronger.  That said, doing strength exercises for your abs will not take fat off of your stomach.  There's no way to target particular parts of the body for fat loss.  If you want to lose fat on your stomach, you need to lose fat all over.  You can do that by eating less, by getting more aerobic exercise, or by building muscle mass, which speeds up your metabolism.

    Even though ab exercises won't take fat off your stomach, they might make your stomach look less fat by improving your posture.  If you spend a lot of time sitting down, you might have lordosis, an excessive arch in your lower back, which makes your stomach stick out.  Strengthening your abs (with crunches or Turkish get-ups, not with sit-ups) and stretching your hip flexors can help with the problem.

  9.   Do crunches. Start out with 5 sets. Do as many reps as you can do. Then each set will begin to exhaust your abs.Rest 10 seconds in between sets .You can do these everyday. It's best if you follow this routine 2 times a day. 30 days should get you results.Set 1 may be 20 reps and set 2 may be 10. But do them until they hurt.No pain no gain.

  10. You can not target fat in one area, you have to target overall body fat.

    Check these sites for exercise at home:

    And read this regarding ab work:

    Good Luck!

  11. do squats , at least 15 times per minutes. do it at least 30 minutes. you'll feel sore, (and if you're not use to exercise) you might feel pain. but you'll get stronger thighs and stomach

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