
Are there extraterrestrials on Earth?

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  1. No

  2. Could there be????yes.  The fact is, I doubt that some unacredited newspaper is the authority on the matter.  If this same newspaper ran a report on how the world was going to end tomorrow, would you do all the things you've always wanted to, regardless of the fact that noone else seems to be reporting the same story???

    If there were aliens living among us and their heads were shaped like the skull in the picture, I'm sure we would have noticed them by now.

  3. I've always considered myself extra terrestrial.

  4. He said "Big Band". Did he mean "Big Boom"???

    Maybe WE are the extraterrestrials!! Maybe it was just the animals..then we came and took over..MAYBE, I said. Didn't say I believed it. I'm just "thinkin' outloud".I think that's what a  lot of us do on here.

  5. well I have never seen one but as big as the universe is I can't believe we are it.

  6. That's what Bigfoot is.

    That's why they're not always spotted.

    Because after they've checked the area out,

    they leave.


    = )

    Real answer is no.

  7. Anyone who has studied UFO phenomena knows aliens are on earth. Thousands of scientists, police, doctors, pilots and astronauts have witnessed alien craft where there is no doubt they are very real. Alien abductions happen every day across the globe, but affect relatively few people. Aliens are vastly superior in intellect over mankind, and most of their interactions with us are scientific/medical. They study us much like we study animals. They are fully aware of mankind's violent and stupid tendencies.

  8. Yes, there are extraterrestrials that are living here on Earth today.

  9. Believe it or not, *ALL* life on earth may come from an extraterrestrial origin.  The hypothesis is called "panspermia" and it's actually a reasonable idea... that simple, single-celled bacteria-like organisms can survive the conditions of space, travelling on comets or asteroids, and once they hit suitable planets, can begin the process of evolution.  So: we might all be from Mars!

  10. I am willing to bet if you see a UFO flying over, the pilot is wearing a US Air Force uniform.  Prove me wrong and I'll give you $5.  Hey I'm not the Great Randy.  I'm broke after Xmas like everyone else.

  11. no extra, there are just enough.

  12. I have reason to believe my ex wife is of the extraterrestial origin.  The third eye and 4....nevermind.

  13. no. God only made earth with living creatures.

  14. I have seen no compelling evidence to suggest Earth has been visited by extra-terrestrial creatures.  I have plenty of reasons to believe they haven't.  Until they decide to prove me wrong I am comfortable going about my life as if they haven't.

    The author of this piece is a complete nutcase.

  15. Yes. I have believed this for a long time.

  16. There are no extraterrestrials on Earth.

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