
Are there french people in canada?

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france french




  1. Yes. Ever hear of Quebec? Or do you mean France French people?

    Yes then. I am a France French person living in Canada. :)

  2. Nope we got rid of them all. We put them in igloos on slabs of ice and let them float away.

  3. Its a long history that french people in Canada, that why ,certain cities in Canada speak french in an English speaking country

  4. yeah theres a lot of France french people in Canada..especially in Québec ( Montréal, Québec city..)

  5. There are French Canadian.

    There are French people from France.

    There are people from all over the world.

  6. HOLY SHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. yes there are french people from France in Canada. Quebec has most of the french population all though there are french people out side of Quebec as well.

  8. yes they immigrate here jjust like everyone else

    I have a few friends who are from france(not quebec)

  9. There are different French communities throughout Quebec, and they're from all over the world, not just France.

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