
Are there ghosts really??? What are they? Can we see them?

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i have seen a mysterious boy near my window




  1. yes ghosts are very real they're all over this planet just like humans ghosts are humans or even animals that have already passed away and most refuse to rest in piece that's pretty much why we encounter them or cuz we p**s 'em off without even knowing it its best if we just leave them be now if they bug you 1st then you can try and get rid of them just be careful and for the most part they tend to remain invisible and just mess everything else up around us so we know they're there although sometimes they show themselves to us you can look but you better not touch seriously dont try to approach a spirit unless your more than 100% sure that nothing will happen you dont want to end up with scratches on you or even being choked  

  2. i believe in them. but just be aware it could be a poltergeist.

    ~an evil ghost~

  3. In biology, it's called the carbon cycle....

    actually, idk. i believe in them too.  They vary from spirits, imagination, creepy ppl...i dont think there's an ultimate answer fro that yet.  Just theories. Research it, look at the theories, and see which ones you believe is the answer(s) to satisfy you.

  4. No there are not. No person who doesn't have a TV show has ever come in contact with anything like a ghost.

    (Which means the TV people are obviously fakes)

  5. ghost are simply spirits with unfinished business on earth thats why they havnt crossed over lots of books will say spirits cant physically hurt you but that not nessesarilly true their is no way to see a ghost although it is possible to hear them and feel them

  6. It could be just a lost boy trying to find a certain place.I, myself, do believe in ghosts. some people can see ghosts.  

  7. Yes there are such things as ghosts or what can be referred to as “Spirts”.

    From a scientific side they are magnetic impressions that human energy leaves

    On the earths surface. Humans are powered by what is called the soul. The soul is a type of electrical energy that the earths magnetic force holds onto. God of course judges when these impressions left on earth will come to Heaven.

    Some spirts we can see and some we can not see, and we can communicate with them. It depends on how strong their life " energy " is and how much remains within the earths magnetic field.

    I hope this helps

  8. Open your window and flick him the bird

  9. yup, i believe in ghosts.  i used 2 have 2 in my old house but i moved away from there bout 3 months ago.  numerous amounts of ppl have seen them includin my sister and some of my close friends.  they all described the same things 2 me and i never told them bout my siting until they told me theirs cuz i never reli thought bout it.  it was pretty scary yet interestin at the same time :]

  10. they are real;but u can see them only in peter jackson's trilogy lord of the rings;but i doubt they are that nice

  11. That, my friend is a peeping tom.Call the police and tell them about a trespassing perverted little boy.  

  12. NO ghosts do not exist, however leprechauns do exist, not only in Ireland but in the states as well, if you want to get rid of a leprechaun you will need a bowl and 39 cheerios. Good Luck

  13. there may be ghosts there may be not...

  14. The boy near your window probably wants to rape you then cut your head off....then rape your stump (the neck without the body attached)

    Some of these ghosts are weirdos!

  15. ghosts are real i haven't  seen one but they are definetly there

    there is plenty of evidence to support this

    I know some think its not enough but..whatever how much proof do we need?

    we cant see all ghosts they come in different forms

    i know people who have seen ghosts

  16. well there r ghosts though i personally did'nt get any oppurtinty to see them or talk to them but yes they r here among us trying to be one among us

    personally i beleive they r the troubled souls of the departed,they can b peace loving or agrresive . we can not always see them but yes we can feel their presence some sceintists have tried infrared vedios and found that there is change in thempature every time a ghost moves basically the temprature of a particular area drips suprisingly,while rst of the area remains in normal room temprature.

    well it is belived that if the feeling of someone observing u and moving around in your house increases then the viweing of ghosts increases.

    also techinically spaking if u r remainig unwell u tend to see such things make sure u r ok and report thse abnormaliteis to any grown up or any person to whom u r free .  

  17. Ghosts r real and they r earth bound spirits which have some unfinished business.yes u can see them but only when they want to be seen.

  18. You can't see ghosts, they're invisible.

  19. I believe ghosts really do exist one way or another. If you really wanna find out google "ghost pictures" and you'll get many fascinating results.  

  20. Well my opinion i don't believe in ghosts.

    I believe in spirits. (Angels and Demons)

    They all tell you different things Angels of God will tell you to do whats right and demons will tell you to do the wrong thing but sometimes we make the wrong desicion.

    And no we cannot see them, but i know they are there.  

  21. wow.

    thats scary

    but not as scary as my p**p.

    now thats scary!

    call the po-po's if you need help

  22. no. their ae no such things as ghosts.

    Spirits I think so... But not ghosts.

    I beleive that their are people looking down on me from heaven. (spirits)

    why do you think you never see them on those stupid paranormal shows on t.v. ?

  23. have you checked under your bed?

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