
Are there going to be Meteors tonight?

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I heard that there are going to be meteors tonight and i'm not exactly sure cause i kind of laughed to it but my dad says it's true but he's such a joker... so is there or is there not?




  1. You can see several meteors per hour every night, if it's clear and you're in a dark location. Just sit or lie there and you'll see them flash across part of the sky every now and then.

    They won't look like the huge fireballs that you see in silly movies, though. Just quick trails of light that fade immediately. Most of them are pebble-sized or smaller when they enter the atmosphere.

  2. The Perseids meteor shower is just getting started. There are likely to be more meteors each night until the maximum in late evening of August 11. However, meteor showers are hard to predict with precision. There might be a sudden burst of meteors in one local area and none a hundred miles away.

  3. the meteor shower is actually comet residue from Halley's Comet. i think it is every hundred, or every thousand years that halley's comet can be seen from eath be the naked eye. the comet leaves residue in it's orbit. the residue is the meteors in the meteor shower that we experience every august. during august, earths orbit crosses through the comet's orbit. that's why we have the meteor showers.

  4. The Perseid's aren't due until August. Here's a link:

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