
Are there horseshoe crabs in the gulf coast of florida?

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Are there horseshoe crabs in the gulf coast of florida?




  1. yes, they can be found there. many researchers do their research on horseshoe crabs in the gulf of florida, believe it or not!

  2. Yes, absolutely, there are horseshoe crabs on the Gulf Coast of Florida.  Horseshoe crabs are regularly sighted in every coastal county of Florida.  

    Nevertheless, the horseshoe crab is not often seen because they nest on sandy shores only during high tide near the full of the moon (which includes the three days before and after the full moon).  Also, the horseshoe crabs' nesting season is only about half the year (in spring and summer).  The rest of the time, they're submerged where we can't easily see them.  

    I've provided a source link to a horseshoe c**p sighting survey map provided by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Institute.  Note that the map shows what appears to be a concentration of horseshoe crabs near Tampa Bay, but the Fish and Wildlife Institute believes that's only  because the Institute itself is located on Tampa Bay.  Presumably, visitors to the Institute and/or local publicity of the survey is responsible for that apparent concentration.  

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