
Are there intellectual and physical differences between races?

by Guest32645  |  earlier

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I cannot understand why it is that a black man is obviously faster than a white man (with or without the use of drugs(. Witness: the 100, 200 and 400 metres athletics events. No one thinks it is controversial to say so. However, if anyone says that white people tend to be more intelligent than black people there is a tremendous furore. I personally don't know. But I do not see anything wrong with anyone responsibly discussing possible differences without being labelled racist.




  1. I think there are physical differences due to 'survival of the fittest' in their native country. Intellectually,I don't think anyone is less intelligent. You do have to factor in the environment that a person is raised in.Being poor and not having all the opportunities has an effect on a lot of people of all races.

  2. There are physical differences, but there isn't any intellectual differences.  We need to remember that race is largely a cosmetic distinction between people.  Our bodies adapted to the culture and environment in which our ancestors lived for thousands of years.  You have the answer to why some black people are faster, but this does not apply to all black people. It depends on the muscle structure of the individuals.

  3. While it may be true that some sports are dominated by people from certain regions, or people of certain races, that doesn't mean that whole race is better than another at that sport. All the runners in the world probably enough to serve as a representative sample of any particular race. You're saying that

    1) The top runners are black, and they beat white runners.

    2) Black people are faster than white people.

    Well, no. That's not a logical progression when you factor in all the information. All the runners in the world aren't black, and all black people aren't runners. Why are the top performers being used as a gauge for the whole group?

    Never mind that the top times for all of the races you've mentioned (and pretty much all races at the competitive level) are all separated by incredibly tiny fractions of the race times themselves. So what, then? "Black people evolved differently, which allows them to run 100 yards a 30th of a second faster than white runners." Is that it? Think about that.

    There is, of course, nothing wrong with talking about the differences between people. Let's just use our heads about it. Bypassing political correctness just for the sake of doing so is just as bad as pushing it for the same reason.

  4. yes there are. But I don't want to be racist so I won't mention them.

  5. Obviously there are some external and internal physical difference between races even if it's just little things like the shape of facial bones but major differences? No!

    Define intellectual differences?

    I know some people rightly or wrongly believe Africans have a genetic gift of music and dancing but bear in mind in a culture where that's the highest art form dance and song talents would be an advantageous feature in mates?

    The main argument against that is to look at traditional and tribal African societies that have switched to becoming cultures where its an advantage to be literate or technologically aware!

    Nigeria? Timbuktu? Bornu? Ancient Nubia?

    The problem is people compare cultures with differing technological levels.

    Every continent that I know of expect Antarctica has did two or three or four cultures with a pro-tech bias that allowed them to advance and compete with and dominate others!

    Even if the "advance" was something as simple as being the first people in an area to master using iron hence creating sharper stronger axes plows and spears!

  6. There is no significant genetic, intellectual, or physical differences between the races and any perceived ones are stereotypical and wrong.  There is a greater genetic variance between Africans than there is between any of the so-called races.  Perceived differences tend to come from what the particular culture deems important or from geographical hardships.

  7. If you take a dozen men from out of their equatorial forest home and place them in a town environment, they would probably die of starvation without help from the local population. Likewise if the situation were reversed.

                                            = no difference

  8. Dude, by your question you have proven that you are smarter that the average person.  Keep it going!

  9. I am a former teacher and had ample time to observe intellectual and physical differences among diverse groups.  While I freely admit my observations were not statistically valid, I saw no difference among "races."

    Do you know how many lousy ball players there are in Harlem?  Lots.  Know how many truly smart kids there are in Harlem - lots also.

  10. There obviously is some biological reasoning or social context that allows such success and depravity but it is not clear yet so we should not discuss it until we have clean facts and anatomical evidence of such advantages.

  11. There are differences mainly caused by the differences in peoples experiences in life that shape who they are. I think there are genetic differences too on a general scale but anybody could end up anything in life.

  12. HAHAHA! cuz were special:Pjk

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