
Are there jobs as fitness testers?

by  |  earlier

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If so, how would i get into it..

Tell me anything you know, thanks




  1. Fitness is a term that is defined relative to the setting. The questions might be "are you fit to ...... (engage in some sport or work)" or "are you physically ft in general" or "would you like to become more fit?"

    For those persons interested in delivering general fitness, just make sure that you are in great shape and walk into any fitness/health club that may be hiring.

    If your interests are more in health/medical work, the simplest track into the health field is to train to be a Medical Assistant. Then Occupational Medicine, Sports Medicine and Family Practice or Weight Loss clinics would have opportunities.

    Otherwise, if you are more the salesperson type, you might look into sales opportunities with companies that sell fitness equipment or products that interest you.

    I hope that this works for you at least as an "ideas starter."

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