
Are there large spiders in France?

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I am going to France in September/October and I want to know if they have large, scary spiders there?

I live in Australia and the biggest we get are huntsman spiders, they can get quite large and scary, but they are only inside during rain!

I am scared of spiders, hence why I am asking. Seeing them inside is rare though... we don't get tarantulas or anything like that either.

So do the French have bigger spiders then we have in Australia? I am in Brisbane so we don't get the big spiders found in Sydney, but still anything bigger than a 20 cent coin scares me. Some spiders here reach 4cm on each leg...!

Please don't post photos of them either, pics scare me even more.




  1. well where i live i seen not so small a spiders and i live around the paris area  they come in all sizes just like all over the world  but this are spiders  like daddy long legs  and  Cat Faced Spiders my hubby don't care for spiders eather  men can be such babys lol my dad the same way :)

  2. No, all our spiders are reasonably sized, which doesn't stop arachnophobes from running away from them. The only ones you truly have to be careful of are the hunter spiders, small remote button sized spiders in the woods, they bite and leave a mark like a mosquito bite. As you can see nothing to fear.

  3. no, we have normal, small spiders   =)

    don't worry about the spiders!!

  4. Spiders in Australia are much bigger and dangerous than in France. I live in Europe and spiders are indeed my big fear when choosing a destination.  I don't think there are spiders in Paris, I've been there several times and I've never seen one. If you stay in a budget hotel there might be cockroaches though.

    In Southern France there might be more spiders, but if you go in summer chances are big that they are outside, while in winter they are all hiding in little corners where nobody can see them.

    The worst periode for seeing large spiders in Europe inside houses is March/April or September/October  

  5. No, not at all...

    french spiders are small and shy....Never dangerous.. Don't worry about them. Don't worry either for none of the insects that you can meet in this country....They all are lovely, and are small sized.

    So french people are....

  6. coucou les biloutes :

    heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeein ?

    ah les francais !

    no we don't have large spiders !

    they are not "crazy" ou dangereuses

    they are very little

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