
Are there laws about keeping dogs on balconies?

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Are there any laws about keeping dogs on balconies - noise (continuous barking) poo - stinking up your balcony with their smells.

I find it very difficult to find laws in Greece as no one seems to know their rights here.




  1. I'm very sorry that I can't help, but I have to say one more time that Greeks are clean in a distorted sense.

    So, the people with the noisy dog keep it on the balcony instead of getting it in their home. They want to have a pet but only the way they like.

    Keeping a dog, no matter if it is a big or miniature dog, on the balcony is really inhumain, because the big dog needs space and the small needs protection from the cold and hot weather!

    I have a dog (in the house) and the way people in Greece treats the whole matter with dogs (pets) is really something that annoys me.

    ASIMENIA, MAYBE IF YOU LOOK AT THE κανονισμό της πολυκατοικίας σας, εκεί θα γράφει τι προβλέπεται για τα κατοικίδια και τι όχι. Καλή τύχη.

  2. Do you read Greek Asimenia? I found something, but I don't have the time to translate it now (I have to go), but I'll translate it later if you want. This law regulates the keeping of pets and overrules the "κανονισμός της πολυκατοικίας".

    "To άρθρο 6 του νόμου 3170/2003 αναγνωρίζοντας την ύψιστη  ÃÂƒÃŽÂ·ÃŽÂ¼ÃŽÂ±ÃÂƒÃŽÂ¯ÃŽÂ± των κατοικίδιων ζώων στην ζωή του σύγχρονου (και μοναχικού) ανθρώπου, εισάγει νέα διάταξη αναγκαστικού δικαίου, με την οποία πλέον επιτρέπεται σε κάθε πολυκατοικία, ανεξάρτητα από το τι προβλέπει ο κανονισμός της, η διατήρηση 1 σκύλου και 1 γάτας ή 2 σκύλων ή 2 γάτων, εφόσον τα ζώα αυτά μένουν στο ίδιο διαμέρισμα με τον ιδιοκτήτη τους και δεν παραμένουν μόνιμα στις βεράντες. Επίσης με το ίδιο άρθρο, απαγορεύεται σε κάθε πολυκατοικία η διατήρηση ζώων συντροφιάς σε κοινόχρηστους χώρους της πολυκατοικίας (πυλωτή, ταράτσα, ακάλυπτους χώρους κ.λπ.)".

    So, according to this law, you're not allowed to keep dogs on balconies all the time. You must keep them inside your house.

    When I return, I'll look for more information and I'll post it here.

  3. Terrible isn't it? Whenever I had problems like that, I would go to the police station and yell at them, until they did something. I know, drastic but it works. You could try the health board like Katerina said. (Ygeionomiki).

    Good luck!

  4. Its allowed ONLY IF they are keeped into the apartment and not in the balconies or the central indoor area.To be more accurate is stricly prohibited to keep animals in public use areas or non-cobered areas(such as balcony)

    You can call animal services(filozoiki=φιλοζωική),ugeionomik... dont know the englsih word) and also police,for disturbance of the public quite (i am sure i spelled it wrong-is diataraksi koinis isixias=διατάραξη κοινής ησυχίας)

    I can search it more if you want to take action about something.

    i had the same problem 2 years ago...

    edit: zoltan,yes bu it was something i didnt know

    ADDED:If you want the articles of the this law(only in Greek,i can find a link and add it later;)

  5. I suspect that if there is a law it is a city law, not a national law.  If there isn't a law there ought to be one.   I mean, what if someone down below is hit with their by products?  Not good.

  6. I'm not so sure about laws but usually each block of flats has its own regulations.

    You can address to an organization such a "filozoiki" and ask them about laws (but I wouldn't expected much from the police) or they might be able to do smth about it

  7. i suppose there are laws to that athens but i have no idea where to go .vasiliki seems to know..but i guess it might depened on the size of the dog and how noise it is..but come to think of it..when i was there in 82 i really didnt see many people having least in athens.. ohh i did see alot of stray cats..very few dogs..////////// vasiliki did u catch my alphabet question ? i think you like it..but its resolved now.. .........added.... yes the ordinace that  elaine found..virtually says can keep a dog or cat in side the appartment  as long as the owner is still the same owner of the appartment and the pet. you can  put them for a short while at  the balcony but not tied up or left alone... .having said that  the majority of greeks love thier pets and treat them in a humane way.. if i where you  i would look at these people to see if they  treatign thier dogs right   animal abuse ..will get a better response than.. civil anoyance trust me.. good luck

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