
Are there laws against your boss telling coworkers that s/he is going to fire you before it happens? (in TX)?

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Are there laws against your boss telling coworkers that s/he is going to fire you before it happens? (in TX)?




  1. If Texas -like most states- falls Under the Employment-at-Will Doctrine, a pathetically outdated and unfair law from -GET THIS- 1877, that was predicated on the ol' Master-Slave relationship, then your chances of getting fair and equal treatment from your employer or any agency claiming to be a "friend of the people" (employees) is remote.

    My ex-boss (she no longer worked where I worked) called me four days before I was fired to tell me I was about to be fired (reason: I argued with the president and Board of Trustees because there was "no heat" in a building where we worked.  In fact, the day I made my point, the outdoor temperatures did not rise above 20 degrees ... for my legitimate concern, I was fired!)

    My own personal experience in Pennsylvania included more than three years of dancing with lawyers, the EEOC, the Unemployment Compensation Commission, a biased judge, and a line-up of people (including my ex-boss, interim boss, the HR director, Vice Presidents of different divisions, and other high profile people) lying under oath -and admitting to lying- to have my case dismissed (not go to jury) because one person (the judge) said, "essentially, it was my word against theirs" (although there was no assertion or proof that I lied).

    In my view, American justice has two paths ... for the priveliged and monied -and then, for the rest of us.  Organizations fall under the former category.

    Keep your expectations to a minimum ... good luck!  

  2. I don't know if there's a law against it, but it isn't a good human policy. It sounds like you work for a blabber mouth.

  3. No, Texas is an employment at will state. You can be fired for almost any reason at any time unless you sign a pre-employment contract specifying otherwise. The only exceptions are if the boss tells people she is firing you because of race/gender/ethnicity/religion/color of skin. It is legal to fire you for being homosexual/transgender though.

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