
Are there living beings in other planets?

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Are there living beings in other planets?




  1. may be they are we have no idea because we did not visited other planet .

  2. Nobody actually knows if there are or not. There are surely duodecillions of planets, so some might have life. We may never know for sure though. It's a sure thin that none have ever been here.

  3.   Though we have no proof it is certain there are other intelligent beings in the universe.

  4. i think so, god must have made living things other than Koran  allah has mentioned about other worlds.

  5. I believe so.

    In a universe this big, this boundless, it would be a very cruel cosmic joke for us pathetic humans to be the only creatures in it. But we really haven't been able to take a good look at any other planets than Mars. We can be pretty sure there are not complex beings as we know it on any other planet in the Solar System. But there might be simple forms of life on several, and what there may be in other solar systems we really cannot yet tell.

  6. There are some questions that nobody knows the answer to.

    This is one of them.

    There are theories and counter-theories and arguments and proposals and  announcements ...and so on. But no answer.

  7. in this case, your opinion doesn't count.


    there is only one real answer:  We Don't Know (yet)

    we may NEVER know.

    the Universe is NOT Star Wars or Star Trek or Stargate... its FREAKING BIG!  its not a bicycle tour of Holland out there.  Its nothing, followed by more nothing... wait for it... then some more nothing.  Once in awhile, you got something.

    Here's my point.  IF we never find any evidence of life off Earth... never find any evidence of INTELLIGENT life anywhere but Earth... are you okay with that?

  8. The whole question of life elsewhere comes down to two questions:

    1. How difficult is it for life to come into existence out of non-life.

    2. How unique is the Earth's environment and its environmental history.

    The first question addresses whether, given the right environment, would it be likely that life would start up anywhere.  We suspect that the answer to that question is Yes.  The reason is that the more we look, the more precursors to life we find.  The more we look the more we find very early evidence of life on earth. It happened right away.  The question of life elsewhere in our solar system is probably the most important question that all of our space exploration is aimed at answering.

    The second question addresses the nurturing of primitive life into complex organisms.  On Earth (our only example) it took 3 billion years to come up with man.  For 2.5 billion of those years life was single celled.  The environment on Earth was very constant over that 3 billion year time span.  Is it likely that such a planet would exist elsewhere in the universe?  The numbers of stars are staggering so it might seem a virtual certainty - but the Earth has developed life and as far as we know Mars and Venus have not.  And they seem like very similar planets.  It is more complicated than just “Earth like planets.”

    For instance, our sun, Sol, has over the last 3 billion years increased its output by about 25% due to normal stellar evolution.  That is an enormous change in output and without some compensation factor the Earth would have gone from an ice ball to a barren Venus like planet over that time.  It didn't- but we don't know what the factor or factors were that caused such a constant environment.

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