
Are there many areas/businesses with WiFi in Garmisch-Partenkirchen Germany?

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Wondering about the electronics I'm going to get before I move there.




  1. I'm sorry, there's no free WiFi in Germany, and companies won't let you in; but WiFi hardware works just the same way you are used to, that means, once someone gives you his access code, you're on a DSL line with varying data rates. Me, being a good neighbor, would let you in; but I don't live in Garmisch.

    If you work for a German company here, maybe they'll provide you with UMTS broadband access. It's wireless and just works like a cellphone, except that the UMTS card is an internet modem and router, and wireless speed is outrageous. If you have the chance and your company provides it, try it out. That's really the 3G, "third generation mobile", as they call it.

    Don't worry about electronics to bring: You ca buy most of the thing you need right here on spot, for reasonable prices. And, after all, there's a German eBay, too.


    excuse me, please:

    Why do you thumb me down when you don't even know a thing about the WiFi situation in Germany? Sure you'll have access at your hotel or at McD's. I agree. But you won't find any public hotspot without buying a ticket first, and most of all, what's the use of WiFi in your hotel when you don't find any other spots in town? It's ridiculous. You can forget WiFi in Germany COMPLETELY. Visit an internet café, and you'll be better off.

  2. Most McDonalds offer WiFi via T-Mobile. However, if that McDonalds has a McCafe you get one hour for free per day.

  3. There are some WiFi hotspots but mainly in hotels :

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