
Are there many cats in Brisbane?

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I'm planning on moving from nz to oz next year and would like to know if there are many cats and if I took mine over would it be safe. Theres not poisonous things here like there are over there.




  1. No.  The Cats are in Geelong, near Melbourne.

  2. Here's the Australian Government Quarantine page on importing cats from New Zealand:  It's seems you cat will not need to be quarantined, so that's a good thing.

    There are plenty of cats in Brisbane, as there are in any large Australian city.  

    However, the sensible thing would to keep the cat indoors.  That way you won't worry about it running away, being bitten by anything, or scared by other cats.

  3. There are as many cats in Brisbane as there are anywhere else, but responsible cat owners don't let their animals outside.

    Even in suburbia, Australia has many species of small nocturnal native animals which have evolved without natural predators and cats wreak havoc on their populations. Cats also do tremendous damage to our beautiful native birds and a single cat is able to kill several every week. In turn, snakes kill many cats (again, even in suburbia).

    Keep your cat inside where it and our native wildlife are safe from one another.

  4. I feel it is my duty to inform you that Brisbane is home to probably the most dangerous cat in the whole world. With the scientific name of Felix Canetoaderus or more commonly known as the Bananabender cat it is feral by nature and particularly spiteful. Sadly, as well it is widely recognized as having the smallest brains of all members of the feline family. Your cat will not be safe for a second in Brisbane. I would suggest you would be better off going to Sydney, but there are already too many ex-Kiwis there

  5. Just like anywhere else, except your only aloud to have two cats (god knows why, stupid law) but yeah

  6. Plenty of cats in Brisbane. No poisonous things either other than cane toads, and they are rarely found in Brisbane.  

  7. Yes we have lots of cats here and yes there is animals that will kill your beloved feline( Canetoads,snakes,rednecks with crabpots,cars) just to name a few. But the damage done to our native species by cats far out ways the damage done to cats by the same wildlife

  8. Yeah theres lots of happy cat owners here, and no theres not much here to kill them. Just keep an eye on em lol.

  9. Your cat will have to pass quarantine.  

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