
Are there more atheist-feminists than christian-feminists?

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i'm an atheist, i was afraid it might be an issue against me.




  1. I would say so, I'm a Christian & antifeminist but I do not have anything against feminists be they Christian/nonChristian.  

  2. More than likely.  In my opinion, Christ was the ultimate sceptic, and any -ism becomes corrupt when it loses sight of truth, which is the case when a movement increases in numbers.  So I think Christians are averse to labels as we have developed a keen eye for bs.

  3. The percentage of feminist atheists is probably higher than in the population at large, because *extreme* branches of Christianity (not ALL branches-- some are very pro-woman) are often misogynist. But there are probably more Christian feminists than atheist feminists.

  4. i think many of the feminists were christians once

  5. There are probably more Christian-feminists than Atheist-feminists because of the fact that there are so many more Christians than Atheists.  Even if they are twice as prevalent among the Atheists there would still be far more Christian ones.

  6. I don't know, but I have met many feminists who were practicing Jews (though...usually reformed Jews, not Conservative or Orthodox). Some were even rabbis.

  7. I'm one.

  8. I don't know if there have been any surveys taken on the subject. But I would agree that atheism is somewhat more likely to be prevalent among feminists than it is among non-feminists.

  9. I am a female Christian.

  10. Religion is a very primitive form of philosophy which is completely devoid of reason and logic, so i am an atheist.

    I support feminism coz i am a woman and a free thinker and like many other issues like racialism it has reasoning on its side, which i rationally acknowledge. and supporting it is important for the liberation of future generations. Especially when conservativist are doing their best to lead them otherwise.

    why i am not a feminist myself?? simple, coz i am simply not feminine. I am androgynous... i don't try to be either...simply because thats me.

  11. Because atheists tend to be more liberal than the general population, it would make sense for the percentage of atheists in the feminist movement to be higher.

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