
Are there more job opportunities in middle school or elementary special education?

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I'm a new teacher and am about to start job-hunting. I like both age groups, so that doesn't matter.




  1. Are you looking in any particular place?

  2. I would have to say older elementary or middle school spots are easier to work in.  Little ones require a great deal of paperwork as they exit the preschool years (Developmentally delayed label) into "regular" special education categories.  They can also do a bit more on their own, giving a new teacher a few seconds to breathe when its needed.  

    I don't believe you will have trouble finding a position wherever you go.  Do ask who would be your mentor teacher?  Are they teaching the same category of kids as you?  How many years have they been teaching?

    Best wishes!

  3. In Washington state we have a very special population, so  there are alot of Sp.Ed. jobs. My first interview I got the job.

    So I do believe more jobs in Sp.ED.

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