
Are there more magazines for women than men in the United States? ?

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  1. more men's magazines

  2. From my observations, no.  Most women's magazines talk about beauty, shopping, fitness, kids, family, home decor, etc.  Many of which talk about all of these things in one magazine.  Men's magazines tend to be much more categorized or separated by subject.  So they do not only have sports they have football, baseball, hockey, soccer, etc.  Same with hunting, video games, cars, etc. As a result there are more markets of magazines where as women's magazines are more generic, providing a lot of subjects within one magazine.

  3. well yes an no...  theres probly the same number...   but there totaly difrent things...  womens magazines have writing cuz women actualy read....  but mens magazines jus have porno...  cuz men only look at pictures...

  4. The women's magaziness seem to be bigger in terms of popularity, but many have a lot of different types of magazines.

  5. Who cares who has more? All those stupid magazines are bollocks; all full of clap trap and double standards. Don't go near em, they'll rot your brain.  

  6. I don't think so, especially when you consider how many p**n rags are out there, specifically geared towards men.

  7. yes,I know because I see them in stores,the only magazine for men is playboy.

  8. No...I think about at the store and at walmart and I would say maybe women have slightly fewer magazines than men and general interest (news, puzzles, etc. run third place). This is thinking of CLEARLY gender based magazines...Brides verses Popular Mechanics for instance.  Of course there are no laws saying that men or women could not read any type they were interested in.

  9. The Audit Bureau of Circulation is the source for Industry stats on readership and circulation that is the authoritative voice of the print media Industry. It is a fact that 85% of Consumer purchase decisions are made by Women.  

  10. Gold Digger: Do you know which gender invented writing?

    i wouldn't be criticizing people about literacy when you type like a retarded 3 year old.

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