
Are there more white people than black in America? is the same proportion white/black in American prisons?

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Are there more white people than black in America? is the same proportion white/black in American prisons?




  1. The US is approximately 82% white and 13% black. The US prison population is 45% black and 34% white.


    It's pretty close. That statistic comes from the US Department of Justice, but it's from 2002, so it might be off a little.

  2. Dogg, are you sure?  Last time I checked, African Americans made up almost 50% of the prison population in the U.S.

  3. You wouldn't guess it from the media in this country, but as of the 2006 estimated census, white people make up 70% of the population.  Black about 12% and Latino about 12.5%

    Mississippi has the highest percentage black population at about 38%.  Vermont has the lowest with about 1%.

  4. Actually there are more Latinos in US prisons that Blacks and whites combine.

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